Chapter 25: Evil

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A fiery, smoldering metal pile smashed and scorched the green grass below. Alex slowly walked over to his former ship, still breathing heavily from the ordeal. He looked to the sky, but could not track down his would-be assailant. All the while, he tried to quiet his mind while checking his wrist device. 2 hours and 23 minutes. Time Force would have long since scanned for my ship and dispatched search and rescue.

Just as soon, a growing gust of wind swept through his hair. A shadow enveloped him as a white ship appeared hovering just overhead before landing near the crash site. Alex walked towards the vessel with a noticeable limp to his steps as Jen and Lucas disembarked to meet him.

"Alex!" Jen cried before running towards him to help him walk. "What happened to you?"

"I'm not the concern right now. I need to speak with Captain Logan right away."

Alex wasted little time establishing contact with HQ the moment the trio returned to the ship. A few moments later, Logan appeared on screen. "Alex, thank goodness you're—"

"Sir, this can't wait. I know this is exactly what you warned me not to do, but I couldn't let it go."

Logan sighed while dipping his gaze down. "Son... how deep?"

"Very deep, sir. It nearly cost me my life."

"And this is exactly why I told you to stay out of it."

Alex took a deep breath before continuing, "With all due respect, sir, this is all the reason we should need to keep going. Whatever the Queen has us doing, it isn't justice. We need answers, and I know how we can get them without arousing any suspicion."

Logan took a few moments before looking directly at Alex. "What did you have in mind?"

Alex nodded. "Something risky."


An hour later, inside the high priority cells, a large explosion blasted open the side walls, sending shards of metal flying through the halls. Both Axis and Madman could feel the resonating heat of the blast and see the sunlight creeping in through widened eyes.

A pair of masked individuals shot down Axis' cell door and quickly removed his mouth restraint.

"Are we still clear?" asked one.

The other tapped a few buttons on his wrist, monitoring any and all city-wide emergency alerts. "Nothing triggered."

"Good," the man removed his mask, revealing himself as Alex.

Axis looked to him with a raised brow. "Have you any idea what you're doing?"

Alex slapped a metallic ring to Axis' right arm. "You try anything and in 20 seconds flat, this device will rapidly drain your blood until you pass out. Do not give us a reason to use it."

The General smirked. "What fun."

"Let's get right to it. We need the truth, from you and the lunatic next door."

Axis chuckled slightly before full on laughing. "Is that so? What curious timing. Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Don't misunderstand. You're a criminal, clear as day. But force ejecting from a burning ship hundreds of feet in the air makes you reconsider a few things."

"Ah, hehehe. I see. I've always seen."

Alex nodded. "If we're a potential target of the Queen, you will help us put a stop to it. Agree to that term and Time Force is willing to work out a deal."

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