Chapter 29: Interpersonal

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After about an hour of traversing through space in silence, the team reached Verinox 12; a planet with a surface defined almost exclusively by its seemingly boundless layers of ice, sleet, and snow. The Verinoxians who have survived there for ages evolved pale, icy skin to withstand the harsh temperatures. The environment proved perfect for stripping foreign prisoners of both freedom and hope, as any escape attempt would mean certain death for the uninitiated.

The Astro4 descended into an open, gray hanger roof. The moment the ship touched down on the floor, the roof closed above them with a harsh, mechanical clanking sound lacking any discernible rhythm. The white robe wearing warden and a quartet of his ice-faced prison guards walked up to the ship to greet the disembarking team members. Alex exited the ship to speak first, having already informed the warden ahead of time to expect one high priority prisoner.

"Sir, can we trust you with this prisoner?" he asked. "'High priority' was an understatement."

Carter and Taylor soon followed behind Alex, leading Diane out of the ship with restraints on her arms.

The warden raised an eyebrow at the surprise sight. "Well well. You gentlemen have gotten yourselves into a bit of trouble, haven't you?"

"Will this be a problem?" asked Carter.

Diane looked to the warden with a pained expression. The warden chuckled a bit and then looked at the others. "And what crime did this here Queen of yours commit?"

Alex nodded and explained, "She tried to end another race of people, among many other things. Last I checked, genocide was still a crime in every system."

"Ahhh, the heavy stuff." The warden looked back to Diane. "And how do you plea?"

Diane's pale, haggard expression just barely crept up to meet the warden's eyes. "...Guilty."

"Ha! Is that right? That almost never works. Well then, bring her inside to meet her new playmates."

Carter and Taylor nodded to each other and followed the warden inside.

"You sure I can't get two minutes alone with her?" asked Taylor.

"I know how you feel," Carter replied. "But we'll need our strength for whatever comes next."

Taylor forced her boiling blood to cool with a deep breath. "Yeah..."


When Carter, Taylor, and Alex finally returned to the Astro4, they all nodded their heads to the others. The rest of the team felt a bit more at ease.

"I've updated Captain Logan," Alex said. "Madman is all set for his trial at Time Force. He's sending a ship our way to collect him, restrain him properly, and get the processing done on the move."

"Good," replied Carter.

"What's going to happen now?" Ethan asked. "The Queen was just unseated, right? Sooo..."

Ethan looked to Jason. Everyone else's stare quickly followed.

"By law, the right of rule extends to Jason," Alex stated. "Even now, we must hold onto our guiding policies."

"W-What...?" Jason stepped back a bit fearfully.

Taylor stepped slightly in front of him with arms crossed. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

Just then, the Astro4 received an on-screen communication from Captain Logan. "Everyone, I'm glad you're alright. I'm told you've all had a busy afternoon. The ship I sent should be arriving soon."

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