Chapter 27: Unraveled

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Triforia had been in a state of emergency since learning of the original arrest of General Axis. Only after Lieutenant Salva returned home and delivered a message on behalf of the General himself did the panic start to subside. Unfortunately, the return to tranquility proved short-lived. The warrior nation soon learned through their tracking systems that Admiral Axl and his sizable space station raced towards their doorstep.

The station soon began to blanket the mountain range next to the capital city in its shadow. Hordes of people turned their gaze skywards and watched in amazement and fear as it locked itself in place.

Panic ensued once more as Triforians the planet over received confirmation that they were to be the first of the culled. Hopelessness and the ever-present question of "why?" lingered in their eyes, eyes that saw their downfall being delivered by the most unexpected of hands. The realization cut deeper than the sharpest of blades could ever hope to. A handful tried to run. More tried to escape. Perhaps some would succeed. But evacuating everyone would require a miracle.

But just then, a video transmission came in. All throughout Triforia, every available screen, computer, and personal electronic device received the feed. The commotion froze in place as the people bore witness to their General. "People of Triforia, lend me your ears!"

The world stood silent as they heeded their General's call.

"I know... I know all too well the fear that consumes you. Just as Admiral Axl plans to oppress our planet, so too did he oppress me nearly all my youth. One of our own now turns on us in his quest for a universe of power. This is not who we are. This is not what we do. So I call upon you now, my brothers and sisters. Do not cower. Do not run. Do not sit idly by while Axl turns our race into planetary target practice! Rise. Rise and fight. Defend your planet, your people, your culture, till your very last breath. Or, your next breath may truly be your last."

The Triforians slowly began hooting, hollering, and cheering. The panic began to give way to a new sense of hope and fiery resolve. Their true leader had returned.

"I'll fight till my last breath, My General!" cried a civilian.

"For Triforia!" cried another.

One civilian hopped up to the top of a transport. "What are we waiting for!? Let's blast that thing out of the sky!!!"

The Triforians gathered everything from missiles and blasters to sticks and pebbles and rallied to help fight this threat. Even the youngest among them who barely understood the gravity of their plight and the oldest among them who could barely walk pushed themselves forward to stand alongside their fellow man.

Meanwhile, the Astro4 carefully navigated towards Madman's space station from above. Taylor pulled up video footage of the Triforian surface which revealed to everyone that Axis' grand speech effectively riled up his people.

Axis gently smiled at the sight. "They never cease to amaze me. If our best guns can get in range, then we can at least slow it down. But we'll need to get inside to dismantle the weapon and stop Axl."

"Alright," Carter looked to the others. "We'll be splitting into two teams: one to stop Axl, and another to stop that weapon from ever firing. Madman, Ethan, Kendrix, get to that weapon, fast as you can. The rest of us will confront Axl."

"I like the sound of that plan," added Jason.

Carter then looked to Alex. "Think you can keep the Astro4 ready for us? I'd hate to ask Jason to do it again."

Alex nodded. "I'll be ready."

Soon after, the Astro4 found an opening so that the team of weapon busters could begin their part of the operation.

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