An Along Came a Spider...

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Mey-rin stands there in shock Sebastian got hurt again because of her. She didn't fear Sebastian but that other demon he was another story.


Grell gets angry... He turns on his death scythe and proceeds cut the door down.... "Not today Cici.... Not today!!"

Ciel turns around and sees Grell with his scythe. "So I you decide to kill me because I want to be alone! Maniac get out of my room!" He sat on the bed a scoots himself away a bit afraid of Grell.

Nope. I cut down all the doors... Never a locked door in this place again..." Grell puts it away and goes to Ciel. ,I'm here for anything you want from me... Hit me if you want... Slap me around... Anything.... Just don't be alone..."

He growls and pushes Grell away. "You idiot, you still don't get it do you!" Ciel looks down upset as he jumped off the bed and walks to window and looks out. "I'm afraid..." His voice almost a whisper.


Mey-rin goes to check on Bard and find poor Finny whoose hiding in a cupboard she hugs him. It's ok Finny the big bad crazy Lady is gone." She talks like a sister to him"

Why.... Why did the master.....?" Fin hugs on to Mey-rin...

Bard pulls him away... "I'll take care of him..." Fin and Bard talk as they go to their room.

Mey-rin goes to her room to wait for Sebastian. "What The!!" Her door was all cut up."Grell!!!" Now she couldn't even have any privacy. She laid on her bed with her kitten Damian petting him she began to cry.


"Afraid? Of what cici.... I won't let anything hurt you...especially Bassy..."

Ciel looks down upset as he eyes close tight and he feels irritated no!.... I'm... afraid... afraid to loose you like, I lost the rest..."He cried a bit as he looked away remembering every single person he's lost. All he has left now is the servants and Grell. Sebastian was the first person close to him and Grell second... He feared loosing both just never showed it. "I need to be alone, I want to be alone... I was born to be alone... I was MEANT to be alone! GRELL!" He looks at him upset and balls his fist! "I hate you Grell get out!" Hes lying, his heart hurt with just saying those words.. He looks down crying it was obvious he's lying.

"You don't mean that Cici..." Grell goes to hug him Grell please Ciel... You have lost so many people in your life.. But I'm not going anywhere.... And I'm not leaving you now... What are you going to do about it?"

He pushes Grell away. BGrell... Please.." Tears still slip from his eyes but he still keeps his serious face. ,I almost lost you once and I don't want it to happen twice..."


Mey-rin looks up at her purring kitten when she realized something. How did that butler know about her and Sebastian? "Little kitty I'm afraid... Don't tell Sebastian ok?" She kept petting him her face stained with tears.

Sebastian returns... He walks up to Mey-rin and kisses her... Damian hisses at Sebastian... That was strange Damian hardly hisses... He loves Sebastian and.... Sebastian grabs Damian and throws him hard agasint the wall... Cat's are Vile creatures... Sebastian kisses Mey-rin again... This wasn't seb!!!


Then I suggest these...Grell handcuffs himself to Ciel... Where does Grell get these things!!!! "Now we can t lose each other!...."

"What the hell is that?" Ciel looks at them confused.

Just something I picked up in arsenal... I just don't know how to get them off...!"

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