Squip x Reader (BMC)

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Enjoy this you fucks

Y/N = Your Name

H/L = Hair Length

H/C = Hair Colour

E/C = Eye Colour

When I took the pill, I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know what would happen, and at that point I didn't care. I just wanted it all to be okay again.

[[Squip POV]]
And just like that, I appeared out of thin air. I got all information on this person. Just like that, I knew their name was Y/N. I saw their H/L, H/C hair flowing in the wind, their E/C eyes glinting in the light. They stared at me in bewilderment.
Just like that, I was in love.

[[Your POV]]
I screamed in agony - nothing like anything I had ever experienced before. Just as well that Mum wasn't home. It went on for a minute or so, my screaming in agony. "REEEEEEEEEEEEE" went my screams, echoing through the empty flat. Then it ended. There was silence as my head readjusted and my eyes focused on the feet of a tall man in front of me. I looked upwards slowly.
"You look like... Keanu Reeves"

He smiled. "I get that a lot"

I looked at him, rubbing my eyes. "So what heavenly being sent a hot guy to look after me?"

The guy smiled. "I'm your SQUIP. The outcome of you taking that pill. I'm here to fix your life."

"Oh honey, it's already fixed" I mumbled, not realising I was talking aloud.

The Squip chuckled to himself. "Not quite yet." He held out his hand, and I pushed my glasses down my nose and took his hand to stand up. I brushed myself down and then blushed furiously when I realised he was looking at me. I brushed my ruby red hair to the side.

He smiled again. "Now, time to get started."

Please tell me if y'all want a part 2 because I have all sorts of ideas for this

It was pretty short because I'm planning to do a short series of this, a couple parts, but if you guys wanna see something else instead of the parts please let me know!

Once again, none of this is serious and it is all done for comedic purposes. I hope you enjoyed!

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