I can't have her

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Being best friends with the Dolan Twins is tough. Your pretty popular and they're...not. You guys have been best friends since kindergarten and you wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. You can't imagine not being friends with them.

They get bullied at school and no one else wants to be friends with them fearing they would get bullied too.

Since you're sorta popular you don't get bullied for being friends with them and you always stick up for them.

You don't really know how you got "popular" but freshmen year it just...clicked. You became friends with a bunch of people and it just happened. You're not the cocky type of popular though. The type were they know they're popular and use it against people. Your the nice, popular kid.

It comes with perks, but also the bad things. Boys are always hitting on you and you're always not very interested. Sure you've gone on a few dates but never actually got into a relationship.

Your POV
I walk home with E and Gray everyday after school. We usually do homework, study, mostly procrastinate. The usual. But today is different. The past couple weeks Ethan has been acting weird.

He doesn't talk as much and he looks as if he's trying to avoid me. Today I decide to talk about it with him.

Grayson goes to his room and I follow. Usually Ethan would come too but he instead goes to his room. "I'm going to go talk to him" I tell Grayson. He nods and starts studying.

I walk over to Ethan's room and knock lightly on the door. A muffled "Come in" is said through the door.

I walk in and sit on his bed opposite to him. I smile at him but he doesn't return the smile.

"What's wrong?" You ask.
"You've been avoiding me all week and not talking to me. Something is wrong."

He sighs. "I can't tell you".
"It's not worth telling".

I look at him confused. "What do you mean?"
He looks at me with blood shot eyes and wet cheeks. "Fine" he breathes out.

"There's this girl" he finally says.
I don't know why but when he says this my stomach sank. Why do I feel like this?

"What's her name" I say trying to sound happy for him.
"I can't tell you"
"Why not"
"Because...I can't have her" he explains.

"Why can't you have her? Why can't you tell me who she is?"I bombard him with questions.
"Because I'm a nobody. Nobody will want me and if I tell her...I'll really be a nobody. She wouldn't want me. I'm a loser."

"You're not a loser at all. You'll find a girl that wants you for you. If she really cares about you she won't care about what everyone else thinks." There is a long silence until I work up the guts to say, "She'd be really lucky to have you."

I try not to cry because a part of me wants the girl he's talking about to be me. I can't help it. A tear falls from my eyes. Tears of sadness because I'm now just realizing I might have feeling for the boy I've known for 12 years. And I never even noticed. Now he notices another girl that isn't me.

He wipes away my tear.

"Can you just tell me her name. Maybe I can help you." I say with a fake smile.


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