Stood up

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You, Ethan, and Grayson are best friends. You've been friends since 6th grade and you guys are now in junior year of high school.

You've had a crush on Grayson ever since you first met, but you don't think he likes you back.
You try to get over your crush by going out with other guys.

You just don't want to ruin your friendship with him.

I'm supposed to meet this guy at the citadel but he's 30 minutes late and the movie has already started. I think I've been stood up.

I'm not sad or anything. It's not like I liked the guy but it's embarrassing.

I get a text from Grayson "Hey! How's your date going?" Ughhhhhhh
"He cancelled. I guess he forgot he had something to do so I went by myself" I lied.
"Well I don't have anything to do. Mind if I join you?" I get butterflies in my stomach.

10 minutes later he shows up. "Hey!" he says.
"So he decided to cancel the date but you still yourself?" He's onto me.
"Yeah" I lie. I'm really bad at lying.

"I know your lying y/n"
I sigh, "I got stood up by him. Maybe he just forgot though."
"Well, he's missing out"

"What?" I question him.
"He's missing out on going on a date with the most amazing person in the world" he says leaving me a bit shocked.

"Your just saying that to make me feel better"
"No! Really! You're awesome!, pretty, talented...he doesn't deserve you"

I blush. He said I'm pretty?

"Thanks" I'm pretty sure my face is bright red.
"It's the truth. In fact, the truth is that I like you. And I know you don't like me back, but I can't keep in my feelings anymore."

I stopped breathing for a minute. I feel like I'm going to throw up. The boy I've liked for 5 years likes me back?

"I-I like you too" I mange to get out.
"Yeah" I laugh a bit. "I've gone out with a bunch of guys just to get over you, but I can't. I just didn't want to be weird around you and ruin our friendship"

We've both got huge smiles on our faces. "I was afraid I would ruin our friendship if I told you also." he tells me.

"So...this a date then?" I ask nervous of what he would say.
He grabs my hand and says, "Yeah! It's a date."

A/N awwww kinda cute

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