The Mist

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(No Pov)
Weiss, Jaune, and Winter travelled down the winding path. It was strange they weren't running into any Grimm.

All three kept their blades ready incase they ran into one. The grass under them seemed to get softer the more the treaded forward.

(Jaune's pov)
I looked to my left and saw Winter readying her sword, it sounded like something ahead was dashing really fast. Some crunching noises were made that alerted them to where it was positioned, but the fog rolling in made it hard to justify it, despite what martial arts movies teach you, Eyes are useful.

Weiss seemed terrified. Anyone could be in this situation, even trained huntsman like Ozpin. Winter didn't have her usual gung-hoe additude. She wasn't exilerated by the prospect of this fight. She seemed unsettled somehow.

There was an absence of noise, until what sounded like the beat of powerful wings boomed through the air, all three of us turned our attention to the sky. No nevermore...
It was strange to hear giant sounds and not see something giant to match. I looked down and focused on the ground we were standing on. Weird. There was no signs of travel, even though we're absolutely certain Ruby was taken this way. I looked back the way the came. They hadn't left foot prints. I wiped away the fog that stirred up to my shins. I stepped on the ground, it made a loud crunching noise. I pulled my foot up and saw it hadn't left a print or damaged a single blade of grass. It remained unbent.

The Mist stirred back up, I looked ahead and carefully examined the area. "Winter. Weiss. I don't remember seeing this place on any maps." I turned back to them. They were gone.

(Winter's Pov)
I looked around quickly, I turned cautiously. Making sure I could see everything around me... "Screw it." I said before holding my sword up to the air and prepared to fire fire dust. A twinkle seemed to catch my attention, I looked ahead and saw my Mother. She was gulping down entire bottles of wine. "Mom stop!" I shouted to her. She didn't seem to hear me. "Mom!" I shouted before seeing her collapse onto the ground, I ran after her, but I was too late and watched her evaporate into the mist.

(Jaune's Pov)
There was so much mist now, forget about lefts and rights. I couldn't tell up from down. Sometimes my steps crunched and sometimes I felt like I was walking on air. Then I saw something forming in the distance, it was my sisters.

"You'll do great." I heard them say. "You'll be the best in your class." They continued.

"Knock 'em dead, and bring back a cutie." That one came from Saphron.

I ran over to them quickly. "Guys, I don't need so much praise." I got closer, but they seemed to disappear.

(Weiss' Pov)
Not everything about this place was creepy, atleast the mist was kind of like drinking water in the air. A chill went down my spine as I turned and saw Ruby... and Cinder. Cinder was fighting Ruby mercilessly. Every strike hurt to watch. Not as much as it hurt Ruby. Wait... it looks like the Vytal Festival Final.

"This isn't real." I said clearly. Suddenly and swiftly, the mist evaporated into nothing, I saw Jaune and Winter, not even five feet from me, where have they been. They were crying.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked them. "No" they said in unison.

I looked down at the ground. "We're standing in snow..." I said curiously. "That explains the crunching sound, the grassland was an illusion." Jaune reasoned.

(No Pov)
The three of them looked ahead to see the mist form into a woman, she had draconic wings and spider's eyes. Her fingers were long and clawed, she had the legs of an goat, her fur covered her breasts. She had large, curved ivory horns. She had a white, black, yellow, and read complexions, the skin of a Grimm.

"It's a succubus!" Jaune yelled. The Succubus flew down speedily toward them and pulled Weiss high into the air. They turned and jerked through the sky at high speed. "You broke my charm!" She yelled. "I was supposed to feed!" She shouted in fury. "EAT THIS!" Weiss said and stabbed her rapier, Myrtenaster down the Succubus' throat and tearing her in half.

Weiss felt the pull of gravity and started falling from The dead Succubus' arms toward the ground...

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