What Was Before

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(Weiss' POV)

I looked around desperately searching for my surroundings. Everything was changing. Was it changing? The light was changing. I think. Darkness kept clouding the light. What was that word? Mottled Light. Wait! I'm moving.

I kept trying to open my eyes, but it was hard. "
I tried moving, but I couldn't. Wait. I can't feel anything! What happened?! The Succubus... it messed with our heads... I fell... really high! Am I dead?! Is this death?! No... wait... that doesn't make sense. It's more likely this is a spinal injury or I'm in a coma.

Ruby... I need to get to her.


(No POV)

Weiss was being carried by cloaked figures in a gurney made of vines. They were heading toward a marble temple. Step by step Weiss was carried to the top. Down a winding path to the depths of the catacombs. In the final steps they made it to an isolated pond. They lowered Weiss in and let her rest there, her face was on the surface breathing softly.

(Weiss' POV)

A voice spoke to me softly... it seemed like an Angel... "What's your name little one?" The voice called out. "Weiss Schnee." I said softly. "And who are you?" The voice said softly. "Isn't that the same question?" I asked. "Is it?" The voice asked. "Well, I'm 17 years old... I think... I'm from Patch... I think... I'm apart of a kind loving family.... I think." I said in confusion.

"You think?" The voice questioned. "Some of my memories are different. Ever since my time powers screwed everything up. I have more than one life to think about. If this is even real. All this could be a dream. Ruby could be sleeping in her bed in Mistral, I could be there too and this relationship probably doesn't exist." I explained, really hoping Ruby is safe and away from all this. "Ruby?" The voice asked. "My Girlfriend." I said, if my consciousness had blood, I'd be blushing. "She was taken and I really need to get her back." I explained.

"I ask again, who are you?" The voice said. "I'm..." Weiss started. "Without worrying about what was before." The voice said finalizing her point.

"I'm Weiss, that much I know."

A splash of water and I woke up, I looked around frightened. Nobody was around.


I walked up the many steps, it seemed like it went on forever. "I'm so hungry." I said, clenching my stomach.

To my right I saw a doorway, leading to a table covered in food. "I suppose I could just take some food." I walked toward the food and sat down, I carefully placed a napkin around my neck.

I lost myself in eating the rice and chicken. It was just so delicious after a long journey. And death. I think.

I almost picked up another breast, but a hand grabbed my shoulder and surprised me. I threw a punch but my hand was caught. It was a cloaked figure. "Who are you?" I asked. The figure pulled down its hood, revealing long blonde hair.

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