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(Pyrrha's POV)

My eyes opened steadily. I looked up to see Ruby beaten and battered, sitting across from me.

"Ruby." I choked out.

"Pyrrha." She said back. "It hurts" she continued.

"I can't get out, the shackles won't budge." I said back to Ruby.

The door opened, allowing Cinder and Tyrian to saunter in.

Tyrian bent over to look at Pyrrha. "How pretty, such preciousness wasted with nobody coming to save you." Tyrian said wearing a most excitable grin.

"And you, thinking you could become a maiden just cause someone who thinks they are high and mighty promised it to you." Cinder said mocking Ruby.

"Which one of us are you talking about here?" Ruby asked, pointing out the same was true for Cinder.

Cinder angrily slapped Ruby across the face.

Ruby looked up with a bruised cheek and spit in Cinder's face. "Bitch." Ruby said.

(Weiss' POV)

I turned to look at the figure...

"Commander Xiao Long?!" I asked suddenly. "After what you did for my sister at the Vytal Festival. You can call me Yang, Weiss." Yang said with a professional smile. "Okay Yang Weiss.... I mean Yang!" "Hehe, you're funny kid." Yang said as she helped me up.

I looked around. "What is this place?"
"I don't know, I heard a tremendous voice telling me to be here, but I'm not alone."

Blake stepped in from the Hallway in energized cuffs. "I was taking a mission, but I've decided to forsake the White Fang and my father, they don't know what's best for the Faunus."

"I'm still taking you to jail sourpuss." Yang said as she looked over. "Oh and I thought this was just a foreplay thing." Blake gestured to her cuffs.

"I need to get to Ruby." I said, cutting to the chase (literally).

"Where's Ruby, what's happened?" Yang asked. "She was kidnapped and we followed her trail out here, there's a hideaway about 17 kilometers from here. Yang's hair engulfed in flames, then the flames turned blue.

"Hot." Blake said, smirking.

(Jaune's POV)

Winter and I had reached the foretress, I held out my hands and used polarity, I ripped the doors open and we charged inside.

(Yang's POV)

Me, Blake, and Weiss charged for the foretress, we tredded on until we came across two ripped open doors. We charged inside.

(Cinder's POV)

"You aren't supposed to be alive! You should have died, but you haven't! Beacon should have fallen, but it didn't! I was supposed to be the most powerful from the start!" I raged and formed a spear of glass and fire in my hand.

"Are you going to pluck the Rose?" Tyrian asked.

I looked to my side and saw Jaune jump through the door, I tried to throw my spear, but my bracelets became magnetized and I struck her chains. Ruby pulled and broke out, she grabbed the spear and hurled it toward me. It narrowly missed my face.

Ruby staggered on her feet and collapsed, she struggled to pick herself up before the pounding of adrenaline sent her to a raging second wind.

Tyrian swung his tail in retaliation. Ruby caught it with the spear. Ruby glared and flashed her Silver Eyes.

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