what would i do without you

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Samira pov.

What happened, I woke up to the smell of blood. and someone crying out in pain.

I got up to fast regreting it as i became light headed.

Shacking my head i see a guy, with his back turned to me. Walking closer i recognize his clothing
"Un you" I whispered walking slowly to him. He didnt hear he or he pretened not to, as he held somthing in his hands rocking himself back and forth.

looking over his sholders, insee it was Vada, her eyes wide open as she gasped for air. I try to grabe her but stopped when her mate let out a low growl.
Knew he wouldnt let me touch her. Thats what mates do there so over freaking protected.

I knew he wouldn't let me touch he.
But I had to try.

I held up my hands.
"Listen to me you" I need to get the Sivillor out, if not she will die,"
I talk to him like he was a little child.

"She doesn't have much time."
The longer you hold on to her, she will.be gone in second, the posion is spread through her body. If it gets to her heart."

I new he hated me, but i didnt care i was teying to save my beat friend. And he still wasnt moveing and I was starting to lose my patience.

"Listen" I tell him, "if you want me to save your Mate, thats my best friend I need you to move out the way!"
My voice cacking as tears began to roll down m th face.
I waited into he moved. I moved over to, but he stopped me.

"If you weren't my mate bestfriend i would have killed you already" i could feel the hatred rolling off him in waves.

With that being said
I make my way to vada.

As i examineion her. the bullet didn't hit pucher anything inportant. She'll be fine when i remove it.

Vada look at me he eyes closing with each breath she too
"This will hurt."
I tell her, " What ever you do please tell your mate not to kill me once he hears you scream."
I was being serious.

She gives me a half smile which I return before reaching my hands into her stomach feeling for the bullet.

I hear her cry out in pain as I feel around trying to get the mettle out.

She let's out a painful scream
I need you to talk to her, i tell her mate. " Jake" my name is jake" he yells at me.

"Well Jake, I need you to talk to her so.it will take her mind off the pain."
I wasnt in the mood and him and his attitude was starting to peed me off.

Moments passesd that felt like an entirety before I found the bullet.

"Vada, I got it" I tell her as we all let out a sighs.
Her eyes began to close, i cleaned the woum, bandaging it.

Looking over to Jake who was no longer paying attention to me
He was so fouces on his mate.

"She will be fine, make sure she has pleanty of rest." I tell him before a load cry broke out, and my heart stopped, I knew that cry.

Written 7/6/2019

Plublished 7/29/2019

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