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 "What if it's George?" Alex whispers to me as he gets off the couch and goes toward the door.

"Well then I'm going to pretend to be asleep!" I get into a sleeping position on the couch and try to calm my heart down, I can feel the redness in my cheeks.

"How do those things correlate?" Alex asks, running a hand through his hair and fixing his shirt.

"Because George knows that I always fall asleep during movies, so when he walks into this," I gesture wildly between the two of us, "he won't think anything weird is going on here." I close my eyes but can sense Alex's annoyance with the situation.

I hear him walk to the door and pause before opening it. George's voice is obvious and puts butterflies in my stomach. I've always enjoyed his posh way of speaking. Alex is telling him that I'm asleep on the couch and the volume of George's voice drops. He chuckles and says, "Typical. She always falls asleep during movies."

I hear him tell Alex how thankful he was that Alex had kept me company and that he was completely daft for not chasing after me in the first place. A pang of guilt goes through me. They exchange a few pleasantries before George tells Alex that he can get going.

"I'll take it from here," George claps his hand on Alex's shoulder.

"Okay. You be good to her. She's lovely and if you hurt her, me and you are gonna have a little chat," Alex, I can tell, is trying to act tough.

George chuckles, "Alright, boss. I'm going to try my best not to hurt her again."

They say goodbye and I hear Alex take off and slam the door. The documentary that was still playing must have been turned off by George because it goes quiet in my apartment. I hear him sigh and then it's still for a long while. I'm aware that George must be looking at me and I try my best to act natural and lay still. I breathe deeply as a sleeping person would but I don't know how much longer I can stay this way.

Just then, I feel his arms slip under my body as he cradles me like a dad taking his child to bed. I pretend to be just waking and mutter a breathy, "Alex?"

"No, it's me."

"George? Where did Alex go? What're you doing here?" I try my best to act confused.

"Shhh," he whispers and pushes my bedroom door open. He gently lays me down on my bed and crouches down to be eye level with me. I smile as he pushes the hair away from my face and leans in to give me a long and gentle kiss on the forehead. "Go back to sleep. I brought my stuff with me to work on things while you get some rest." He motions toward his beat up black backpack sitting by my desk.

"No," I whine and grab his hands. "I've missed you, I don't want to sleep now that you're finally here."

George looks down at my bed and then looks back up at me. I don't know if I'm seeing things or if there's a glisten in his eye. I've never seen George cry before. "I know," he squeezes my hands. "I've missed you, too. Like crazy. I was dumb and scared and I want to explain everything to you. I just need to make sure I get all my words in order, I'm not very good at things like this. That's why I fucked up when you were over earlier. I didn't know how to get out what I needed to say."

Georges shakes his head. I sit up a little and place one hand on his cheek, "I'm here for you George, whatever you need to say, just say it."

He takes in a deep breath, "That night at the club, I don't know, I was feeling things that I've never felt before a-and I panicked. Having you meet my mates in that sense is just not how I wanted things to go and before I knew it, I was resenting you and the whole secrecy of us."

Bitches Broken Hearts // Memeulous x Imallexx x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now