Chapter 50

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The surgery didn't take long, by the time Junko got to the hospital, it was already done. The kind lady at the front desk gave her a quick recap of his report - one bullet, no exit wound, cracked rib, the surgeon successfully removed the bullet and patched everything up - and she then told her exactly how to get to his room.

Junko followed the directions she was given, and stopped to look at every vending machine on her way in the hopes that any of them might carry something he would like to have when he wakes up, but regrettably, half the machines only had cold drinks, and the other half only had hot drinks.
A nurse passing by told her there was a vending machine just for snacks in the lobby, but she was already close enough to her destination that going all the way back seemed like a waste of time.

And not wasting that time proved to be the right call.

"Can I help you?" she took a careful step into the room, Osamu hasn't woken up yet, and a man in a lab coat stood next to him with a large syringe in one hand, his other hand was holding the IV bag.
"No, no, just another dose of pain killers, don't mind me." the man smiled calmly and started reaching for the injection port, but before he could do anything, the syringe shattered in his hand as Junko flung a tiny piece of concrete at it.
"Sir, please, keep your voice down!" she whispered, "he just came out of surgery, he needs some rest, please don't wake him up!"

The man blinked at her a couple times, and then whispered, "miss, the man is about to wake up, he will be in great pain without pain killers – "
"Unfortunately for you I happen to know quite a lot about prescription drugs," she cut him off, still whispering, "I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't give my friend a lethal dose of what I'm guessing is a deadly poison."
"Well, sorry, kid, it's nothing personal, but if I don't kill this guy, my employer would have my head." he shook his head, accepting the fact that his cover was blown so easily, and then he reached for his pocket.
"Who might your employer be..?" she examined the man from head to toe and already prepared another cluster of concrete.
"Wouldn't you like to know."

As soon as he pulled out a knife out of his pocket he was hit in the face with the aforementioned piece of concrete, and any attempt to keep this as low-key as possible was forgotten as the two charged at each other.

Junko wasn't much of a fighter, but this man clearly was, she knew she wouldn't stand a chance in a battle, so most of her attacks consisted of throwing variously sized pieces of concrete at him in various angles that would force him to dodge in a way that would lead him out of the room. Once Osamu was no longer within range she could more easily concentrate on actually trying to get rid of the assassin, and the both of them were running through the hospital halls, but it wasn't really clear who was chasing who.

Blades and fragments of concrete were flying everywhere, and while Junko did her best to not bump into people or hurt anyone, her opponent was far less courteous, and she found herself using a large portion of her concrete to block attacks that might have otherwise hit one of the many people who were screaming and shouting in the background.

"Please, sir, you're making a huge scene! Is this really necessary?!" she tried reasoning with him between swipes of his knife when they found themselves at a close enough distance to actually reach each other.
"It would have been a lot easier for both of us if you stayed out of it," most of his swipes managed to graze her and draw enough blood to paint his knife crimson, only a few of his attacks she actually managed to block with her concrete, and it seems like the only thing keeping her on her feet was sheer determination, "just fuck off and let me do my job!!!"

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