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Today's my first day back to school since giving birth. I can't take Jordan to school even though I want to really bad. I could show off my beautiful baby girl. But it would just make everyone jealous.

"So how's Jordan." Daniel asked while handing me a cookie.

"All she does right now is sleep and eat she doesn't really cry she's very lazy." I smiled taking a bite of the cookie.

"Hey princess." Zach smiled walking back up to me and handing me a soda.

"Thanks." I smiled feeling Zach snake his arms around my waist.

"You two are clingy but I can't complain it's to cute." Corbyn smiled while taking a picture of us. Zach lays his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Oh look the rapist and the slut." One of the color guard members laughed while walking past me and Zach. I slammed my locker closed and walked over to her.

"What's your fucking problem huh." I said while pushing her into the locker.

"My problem is a basic white girl who has a picture perfect life gets everything she wants the boy the team the friends the house the future but you waisted it and why because you wanted some dick it's sad really you broke your family." She laughed and I went to hit her but the cheer captain grabbed my fist.

"I got this." She smiled while putting my hand down. "No body and I mean not one soul on this earth talks about one of my cheerleaders you got a problem take your 6 foot pole tossin head ass and shove it got that."

"Oh the real mean girls now you know I used to be your friend Emery then you got pregnant I get that responsibility's but then you just dropped me when I came to see you in the hospital but then you called me a bitch for no reason and I dropped you." Connie sighed crossing her arms over her chest.

"I just pushed a baby out of my vagina and then I almost died so sorry if I was a little bit of a bitch." I scoffed and walked away.


"Shut it Zach." I sighed and walked to the restroom and got in the stall and locked it. I slid down the stall door and a tear slipped down my face.

"Princess what's wrong." Zach asked while tapping on the door.

"Does everyone think I'm a slut." I asked.

"No princess of course not because you aren't open the door." He sighed and I stood up and opened the stall door. "Nobody thinks you're a slut unless their jealous all that matters is that I love you and we have a baby at home to take care of and that's all we should be thinking about not what people think of us because it doesn't matter what's done is done and we're happy and engaged and fucking parents can you believe that."

"I didn't think today was going to be this hard all I can think about is the way they look at me and the way they feel about me." I sighed while hugging him.

"Hey don't think about how they look at you think about why I'll tell you you why you're dating and engaged to the hottest senior who got you pregnant and have a kid with so what that tells you is that their jealous fucks and they can stare all they want it's not gonna change anything not the way I feel about you or the way I look at you because in my eyes you are perfect and always will be so baby girl stop crying because I hate when you cry and smile because you're living all those girls dreams." Zach smiled while wiping my tears away.

"I love you." I whispered while putting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you to princess." He smiled kissing the top of my head.

Pregnant at 15// Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now