Chapter Four:Planning

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*Tuesday morning

Becky:Did you hear?


Becky:Del Rio got arrested.

Paige:No way.

Becky:It's all over the news.


Becky:Your boyfriend made sure Stephanie knew what happened.

Paige:I forgot about her deal with him.

Becky:And he broke it anyways. I'll be back Paige, I'm getting you ice, and I'll pick up breakfast.

Paige:Ice for?

Becky:Your back, you said it was hurting at RAW yesterday.


Becky:Tell Charlotte where I am when she wakes up.

Paige:She's not awake yet?

Becky:Yeah, she wasn't feeling too hot last night.

Paige:Look at you, you're gaining her mom abilities.

Becky:It's called being responsible and caring about my friends.

Paige:I love you~.

Becky:Love you too, I'll be back.

*Becky leaves

*Five minutes later

*Charlotte wakes up
-rushes to the bathroom


*She's throwing up

Paige:Char! Hey, are you okay?

Charlotte:I think I'm sick. I'm nauseous, headaches, cramps.

Paige:Is your period coming?

Charlotte:It was last week.

Paige:We should get you some medicine.

Charlotte:Where's Becky?

Paige:To get us some ice, I'll call her to get you medicine.

Charlotte:Paige, look at me.

*Paige looks her in the eye

Paige:Oh, okay, I got it.

*Paige goes to call Becky



Dean:Good morning bitches!

Roman:It is a good morning.

Dean:That's because you're engaged.

Roman:Because I woke up on my own and Seth is still sleeping.

Dean:He is sleeping well today.

Roman:Too well, especially since his argument with Paige.

Dean:What did he do?

Roman:I saw him yesterday after he left the locker room. He was grinning ear to ear; he said I'd know by tomorrow.

Dean:Wake him up?

Roman:We jump on 3.

*They head to the bed that Seth is on

Dean:I'll get top half, you get his legs.

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