Chapter Seven:Airport

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What's a memorable WWE off screen moment you guys will always remember?
*off screen as in on social media or YouTube channel that isn't WWE's

Mine is the 2016 draft night when Paige was drafted to Raw and Dipshit wasn't. Going onto Seth's recent post and seeing Saige comments, going onto Paige's Instagram and seeing the same.

Still can't wrap the fact that Seth and Becky are dating irl. Still feels kinda weird.


*Europe tour

Paige:I get to go home.

Roman:And here's the worst part of it, the flight there.

Paige:Just sleep the whole time, or watch a movie.

Seth:That's why I stayed up the whole night, because I'll be tired enough to sleep the whole time.

Dean:It was fun binge watching movies with you Seth.

Becky:You stayed up too?

Charlotte:No wonder those two were the first ones awake.

Dean:We has a good plan.

Seth:Wait, is this plane, do we get to choose where we sit?

Paige:We're getting handed our tickets when we arrive, another way of her attendance.

Roman:We still have to wait at a gate for a private plane?

Charlotte:It's not a private plane, she just booked the whole plane.

Dean:Yay! Huge sweaty wrestlers on a single plane.

Seth:I swear, if Stephanie doesn't give me first class, I will riot.

Paige:She's going to give it to the top money makers.

Becky:That makes sense.

Charlotte:How much further away are we?

Roman:We'll be at the airport in ten minutes.

Paige:It was fun Boston, but I'm not going to miss you.

Becky:At least we got food.

Seth:I need like a five hour energy shot right now.

Dean:No, stay committed to sleep on the plane.

Seth:But I feel like death.


Roman:We all know Seth has always been a baby when it comes to sleep.

Charlotte:The plane ride isn't going to be enough sleep for him.

Dean:I'm concerned for the seating.

Becky:Stephanie ain't that dumb, plus we can always switch seats.

Paige:It's a plane full of people we know, it's going to be hectic. Nobody said we had to stay in our seats.

Becky:Knowing us, we'll move around and play cards.


Fandango:Knowing Dean and Becky they'll have sex in the bathroom.

Tyler:Or Roman and Charlotte.

Alexa:Highly possible.

Nia:We're decent at our job, I think we've got 2nd class.

Fandango:We better.

Tyler:If we don't, I'm murdering someone for the seat.

Alexa:Some superstars don't need to be at the first show right away, so they have a different flight over. Regardless, it's a whole plane, there's going to be empty seats.

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