Chapter Eleven:Game Plan

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Omg y'all probably hate me by now 😅


*With the girls except Alicia
-Theyre walking from their cars to the arena

Paige:Is everything set?

Alexa:This should work

Charlotte:We've prepared for it. We even factored in every worse case scenario and the solutions to it.

Becky:Especially if all of them happened at once, that scenario took a whole lotta planning.

Nia:It starts the instant we get into the building.

Alexa:We set up all of the locker rooms, we get the messages ready, and we get the camera. Everyone got their lines or the general thing of their lines?

Paige:We're all actors, this is light work.

Becky:We just have to make sure the code goes through.

Charlotte:And for no random things we didn't take accounted for appear, or some natural disaster.

Alexa:Don't jinx it.

Nia:Nikki sent a text, they're on the way.

Becky:The amount of hours we spent on this plan, nothing can go wrong now.

Paige:Alicia's on her way with the twins, they're going through the locker room plan right?

Alexa:The one where it has all of us locking Alicia out of all of them and it ending out with Dolph in the final one?

Charlotte:Yes, but she doesn't know that.

Alexa:Speaking of, where's Dolph?

Paige:The guys are in charge of him.

Charlotte:Which means we don't know.


Nia:I'll call and ask.

*Nia calls Fandango
-they talk

Alexa:The plan isn't even that hard, it's just the execution.

Charlotte:Nothing is easy, humans work hard everyday for a reason, Alexa.

Paige:Alicia needs to be the only person that Dolph can focus on.

Becky:Make sure everything we do is legal, please.

Charlotte:We're in the WWE half the stuff we do isn't legal.

Alexa:Breaking ring rules and federal rules are different.

Nia:How different is our legal system and the legal system in Europe?


Becky:That's not even legal anymore, Paige.

*With the guys except Dolph

Seth:Are you sure this is going to work?

Tyler:We've planned this since before we came to Europe.

Roman:It's the one thing we all collectively agreed on.

Fandango:Nia's calling.

Nia:Where are you guys?

Fandango:On the way.

Nia:Where's Dolph?

Fandango:On the way with Dean.

Nia:Brainwashing in effect?

Fandango:You know it.

Nia:Did they take the wrong route too?

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