2 // Heart To Heart

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Solaria's P.O.V.-

It had been about an hour since Hawks had entered his meeting with Mr. Todoroki and had yet to leave his office.

At first I thought he just wanted to invite him to tonight's gala personally, despite him already being sent an invitation through the mail, but now I'm beginning to think perhaps it's about something a little more serious.

If he wanted to invite him personally to the gala he would have done it sooner no?

Well Mr. Todoroki is terrible at his time management skills so it makes sense he'd forget to invite him sooner.

I was just about to start packing up my things so I could head home when there was soft knock at my door.

I looked up to see who it was when I saw none other than Shoto Todoroki waiting for me to welcome him in.

"You do realize the door is open and you can just walk in right?" I said with a chuckle as I began to pack my stuff.

"I- I just didn't want to be rude." The shy boy said as he walked over to sit on the couch behind my desk.

"You? Never. You're always welcome in my office Shoto. Even if I'm in the middle of a meeting you know this is a safe space for you."

Over the year and a half that I have worked in his father's agency I had somehow managed to befriend the youngest Todoroki.

I couldn't help but be fond of the boy seeing as how he reminded me of my own younger brother as well as my mother due to their shared heterochromia, a genetic condition that affects coloration in the eyes and hair.

While Shoto's heterochromia gave him a perfectly dual split with the right half of his hair being platinum white and the left half being a velvety crimson color as well as his right eye being a dark gray, while his left eye is a vibrant turquoise color. My brother's heterochromia on the other hand is a bit more all over the place. He has jet black hair like our father with a rogue streak of platinum in the very front and his left eye is a bright scarlet, also like our father's red eyes, while his right eye is a pale grey much like our mother's, but her left eye is a simple brown. Much like my younger brother Noir, our mother has a rogue streak of platinum at the very front, while the rest of her hair is a dark brown, which I and my younger sister inherited from her, sadly genetics skipped out on giving us our mother's beautiful eyes.

All in all Shoto's heterochromia brings a familiarity to my heart that I didn't realize I was lacking until I met the sweet boy.

We were such great friends, to the point where I was the only person outside his family who knew the torture his father was putting him through, of course Endeavor has no idea that I know or he'd probably have me fired.

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