Chapter 1: Confusion

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3rd person
Kaminari was sitting in his room frustrated and confused. Everyone else was hanging out with each other, but he can't figure out something. There were these new feelings that appeared ever since he met Kirishima.

"He's just a friend." Denki said to himself. Then why did he feel like there were butterflies in his stomach when he was there?

Him and Eijiro were close everyone knew that. They were best bros always together. Or were they more?

"Ugh stop it with the questions." He was getting more frustrating by the minute. If Denki was gay (or bi or whatever) Kirishima would never like him. Kaminari doesn't even know if he likes dudes. He sighed into his pillow. "I hate this."

Meanwhile, downstairs

Everyone was chatting and hanging out in the common area. They were about to watch a movie but noticed something. "Hey where's Kaminari?" Jirou asked. "I think he's in his room. He kind of seemed sad." Mina said. "I'll go check on him." Izuku says and gets up.

Izuku's POV
I go up to Kaminari's room when I hear a bunch of muffled noise. "Stupid, stupid! Why do I have to feel this way?" I leaned in closer so I could hear. "Why can't I just be normal?" I heard something like a pillow being thrown at the window and decided to knock.

"Kaminari, you okay?" I heard some shuffling around and then the door opens. "Oh! Um.. hi Midoriya. How long have you been out here?" He says kind of awkwardly. "I was coming up here to ask you if you wanted to watch a movie with us, and I heard a bunch of noise." I replied. Geez he really did not look ok. "Oh, that was nothing. I'll come watch a movie with you guys." "Kaminari you know you can tell me anything right?" I tell him. "Yeah, I know I'm okay." He says. I should probably keep an eye on him more.

3rd person
They go down and everyone greets them. "Hey you finally got Denki down here!" Sero said. "Come on Kami we're watching a movie!" Kirishima says smiling. Kaminari blushes slightly and sits on the end on the couch. "So what movie are we watching?" "Let's watch the Bee Movie!" Ojiro says. "No let's watch Frozen!" Mina says. "If we watch Frozen I will freeze all of you." Todoroki says. "Whoa Ice Queen calm down." Mina says.

There was a bunch of arguing, and Deku had to hold back Todoroki because someone suggested Frozen again. While they were all arguing, Momo and Jirou picked out a movie. Momo made the DVD and put it in. "Everyone shut up!" Kyoka yelled at everyone. They all looked at her then at the tv. "What? No fair you picked a movie already?" Mineta asked. "Hush. We're watching Harry Potter (we HP stan). No one said anything. "That's... actually an ok choice. Ok I'm fine." Uraraka says. Everyone murmurs in agreement as the movie starts.

The gang is about 1 hr into the movie (by the way if you want to know it's the 4th one) and you can hear light chatter. No one minded this, they had established a rule just to not be too loud. Kaminari was starting to become like Deku, he's been muttering to himself lately. Deku was watching Denki and was kind of concerned. "Denki is usually a chill person." Deku thought to himself. "What are these feelings?" The blonde had been letting anxiety take over him and had panic attacks constantly. They usually happened when he was in his room, and no one has ever seen him have one. So that's why when Denki had electricity coming out of him, Deku didn't know what to do. He tugged on his boyfriend's sleeve.

"Deku I'm trying to watch a movie what is it?" Bakugo asked. Deku pointed at Kaminari, who was shaking and had electricity surrounding him. "Hey Dumb Hair." "Yeah?" Kirishima looks at them, then sees Kaminari. "What's wrong with Kami?" He asks. Deku shrugs.

Kirishima start slowly walking over to Kaminari and taps him on the shoulder. "Kami?" Denki gets startled and shot out electricity everywhere. Kirishima got a little shock and the power went out.

"What the heck Pikachu?!"

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