Denki tries to figure out his feelings, but there's a voice in his head telling him to do bad things to his arm. Does Kaminari have depression or is there something more? What if there's a mind control villain telling him to do these things?
They were all a few inches above the ground. The three all sighed in relief as they dropped down safely.
Denki hugged Kirishima tightly and took him by surprise.
"Did you really mean everything?"
"Of course Kami, why would I be lying?" They both smiled at each other while blushing.
"Sero! Kaminari! Kirishima!" The three looked behind them to see Mina running up to them and tackling them, with Bakugo walking behind her.
"You dicks! You had me worried sick! You could have died! What were you thinking?!"
"Mina, we're fine, calm down" Kirishima said.
"Calm down?! You just jumped 50 feet!!!" They laughed and joked now that it was all over.
Mina sat up and turned to face Sero.
"So, about at the window..."
"Oh, uh- you don't have to pay any attention to that, you can just forget it if you want I mean yeah I said it because it was a really intense moment and I just-" Mina cut Sero off by kissing his cheek. Sero face went pink.
"Yeah Sero get some." Kaminari said.
"Oh shut up."
Two Weeks Later.., "Mina! Stop pulling me!"
"Kirishima Eijiro! You have the roses, just go do it already!"
At the current moment, the red head was trying to ask out Kaminari on a date and Mina was helping him.
They finally got to the front of the blonde's dorm room and Mina let go of Kirishima.
"Ok, here you go." She smiled.
"Mina I-I don't know if I can do this- what if he says no?" Kirishima stuttered out. The alien girl rolled her eyes.
"You fell from a 3rd floor window. How is this harder?" Mina asked in disbelief.
"Well you haven't asked out Sero yet!" Eijiro argued. Mina raised her eyebrows and held her finger out.
"One moment." She dialed Sero's number and waited while it rang.
"Hey Hanta, are you doing anything Friday? You're not? Ok, want to go on a date? Yay! Love you, bye." She hung up and Kirishima gaped at her.
"There, now it's your turn."
"Well, I-" Mina knocked on the door and stood to the side so she was hidden from the door's view. Kirishima widened his eyes.
"Mina! What-" The door opened.
"Oh, hi Kiri." Kaminari greeted. "Ooh roses! They're so pretty!"
"Um, these are for you." Kirishima nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he handed Kaminari the flowers. Denki's eyes lit up.
"Really? Thank you!" He smiled brightly.
"Yeah um, I was wondering- if you wanted to go out this weekend..." Kaminari stared at him.
"I-I mean it's t-totally o-okay if you don't want to! I was just wondering- I mean because I saw this cafe down the street and-" The blonde cut him off with a kiss. Kirishima was startled at first but relaxed into it.
"Of course I'll go on a date with you Eiji! When do you want to go? Is 7 ok?"
"Ok. Love you~" Kirishima blushed redder than his hair.
"I love you Denks."
—————————————————————— And we're done! The book is officially over! If you guys want to see what happened on their date I'll write it but I'm not sure if it'll be here or separate.
Also, I hope you guys enjoyed my story! I know it was major cringe at times, but it was pretty ok. Thank you to all the people who commented on my stories and supporting me!
If you need any new Kirikami stories to read, just go to -⚠️self promo coming up⚠️-
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⬆️ The second one has another promo but it's not mine it's someone else's they're an awesome writer in my opinion 😁