George Harrison #1 (Inspiration)

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Inspiration. (Third Person P.O.V)

George sighed as he placed his guitar on floor. He was trying to write a new song for their band's upcoming album. He hummed for a while, Working for a tune but then again slumped against the wall in front of him as he sighed with exhaustion and started looking at the wall with the vacant look in his eyes. Y/N sat nearby as she watched her boyfriend with a confused look on her face.
"George?" She placed their hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah?" He mumbled.
"Is" she stopped as she moved her hand from his shoulder to his face and continued "Everything okay?"
"Probably" He said as he looked at her.
"Doesn't look like it" She raised her eyebrow.
"Congratulations on seeing right through me" He smiled sarcastically before glancing at her and starting to look at the wall again.
"Is the abyss more interesting than me?" She sassed back and distanced herself from him.
"Oh, Come here you" He said as He put his arm around her shoulder and slid closer to her. She just glared at him and laid her head on his shoulder.
"So?" She said questioningly and George sighed.
"I can't write" He said sounding rather low.
"Stop questioning yourself" Y/N said.
"I need something to write about" He looked at her.
"I need inspiration" He said his eyes still fixed at her face. She just looked at him for a moment before kissing him lovingly on his cheek and getting up.
"I'll see you later then. You better write a song that makes all of their bloody songs look trashy" She smiled cheekily as she started towards the door.
"Wait" George said before getting up too and pulling herself to him and making two of them fall to ground, Both of them a tangle of limbs.
"What did you do that for?" She peered at him through his long arms holding her tightly.
"Be my inspiration?" He asked softly.
"About time you asked" She said as she freed herself from his grasp and kissed him.

Better writing skills are much needed here, Thank you.

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