Jeff Buckley #2 (An Angel Without Wings)

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An Angel Without Wings (Third Person P.O.V)

Fluorite sky, Sun committing it's daily suicide and trees rhythmically swaying to the gentle beat of wind. It was August. A young man was performing in Sin-è. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black pants, He had rather wild dark hair and eyes which sparkled in a strange yet ethereal way. Standing there with a acoustic guitar in his hand, He was singing his heart out. The small crowd he was singing for was silent. His voice was so powerful that they couldn't utter a single word. Hands moving expertly on his guitar strings, The look of contentment on his face clearly suggested that he was performing music for the sake of music.

She was sitting there with a cup of coffee in front of her, Listening intently to him. Combat boots gently tapping the floor and an unreadable expression on her face.
No one there noticed her and neither did she. Only thing she had on her mind was now music and that guy standing in front of her. He looked like an angel without wings, She thought as he kept singing on. She didn't even know his name and yet he made her feel like there were daisies blooming inside her. She was afraid that they would burst out if she opened her mouth. She was in a trance. Her expression was serene but she wasn't feeling like that at all.

Night was falling now, gripping the unusually coloured evening sky in it's dark pincers. People enthusiastically clapped at the end of each song, She did too. He had noticed her, unlike others as he had a penchant for detail. He thought she was beautiful and was glad that she couldn't see him blush while thinking that due to the scarcity of light in the small cafe. Their gazes met and lingered for a moment before both of them looked away, Smiling.
He had his mind set on her and she had hers on him.

He still sang, Still played as passionately as before but a hint of happiness lingered in his voice now. She was smiling too. Both of them glowing in their own way, He like, soft morning light which nurtures everyone and she like, shimmer of moon which illuminates the darkest nights.

When he finished his set, It was past midnight. He eagerly looked at the table He had looked at for a considerable amount of time during his gig and to his relief found her still sitting there. He politely thanked people who were complimenting him and walked towards her feeling like he had passed the eternity standing there, just looking at her. She stared at him, clearly nervous now.

"Jeff" He smiled and blurted out and took a breath he was holding from the time he had started walking towards her. She sat there for a moment and then suddenly said,

He beamed at her as she smiled. Both of them staring at each other, Unable to say things they had thought they would say to each other.

"Er- Wanna sit down?" She said hurriedly, it seemed like she had wanted to say this from the time he came to her.

"For a while?" She added and blushed.

"Sure." He smiled as he sat down.

The night went by as they talked, stealing quick glances at each other, Nudging each other's shoes jokingly under the table as they got more comfortable with each other. Every hopeless romantic who had seen them that night, knew that it was the beginning of something special whereas cynics thought that they looked like they will soon start feeling for each other what they feared. Love.

I am sorta drunk while I am writing and publishing this so yeah, If there are any typos I am sorry. I'll correct them later.

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