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RAELYNN put Stokeley's phone down and stood up. She stared Stokeley in the eyes with such a look of sadness. Stokeley stared back at her with hopes that she would just calm down.

"Why do you do this Stokeley?!" She shouted at him.

"I just don't know what to do anymore!" She added. "What more do you want from me. I try to be the best girlfriend anyone could ask for and you seem to just not care!" She continued.

"Rae, baby, calm dow-" He tried to say, gently grabbing her hand and bringing her closer to him.

"W- what more do you want me to do. What does she have that I don't? Am I not enough?" She asked, another tear streaming down her cheek.

"Baby plea-" He tried again.

"Do you call her baby? Do you have a nickname for her, huh?" She asked.

"No Rae-" He tried to speak once again. "You had me in the woman's face! You introduced her to me as your business partner! Meanwhile this woman is thinking 'I'm screwing this woman's man'. Am I a joke to you?" She stood there and waited for an answer.

"Do you love her? Do you love her more than me? Did you ever love me?" Raelynn asked, slightly bending down to come closer to his face.

"Answer me Stokeley." She pleaded.

"I don't love her. Baby I love you." He responded.

"Bullshit." She scoffed. She got out of his grasp and went to grab her coat. She jogged out of the room and down the stairs. She grabbed her keys from the counter and left his house.

She got in her car and just sat there. She looked at herself in the mirror and wiped her tears.

"I'm okay, you're okay." She told herself. "No you're not." She Continued, throwing her head down onto the steering wheel. She started to cry all over again.

She put the key in the ignition. She started the car and drove off. She didn't wanna go home, so she just drove.

She just drove down the dark, nearly vacant highways.


3 days had passed with no communication. It ate Raelynn up to not talk to him, but she couldn't.

Raelynn sat on the couch and just stared. For the past couple of days, she had no motivation for anything.

She lowly grunted as she looked out the window and realized it was raining, hard.

Every thing she did reminded her of Stokeley. Even making Ramen noodles somehow reminded her of him.

She craved nothing more than his kisses. Even though it had only been 3 days, it felt like they'd been broken up forever.

She got up and walked towards the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator in search for something to snack on.

She took the cake Stokeley got her for her birthday out of the fridge and sat it on the counter. She grabbed a fork and opened the box.

She took small bites as she observed the words written in icing. 'Happy Birthday Raelynn!' It read.

["happy birthday Raven!..." 💀]

She turned her head towards the door when she heard a knock at it. She slowly got up and walked towards the door.

She opened it to reveal Stokeley. Although the rain was pouring down on him, she could still see the tear stains on his cheeks.

"Why are you here?" She asked blankly.

"Raelynn, baby, listen." He started. His voice more hoarse and raspy than it normally was. "Look, I'm sorry I fucked up, I know. I made a mistake. She doesn't have anything on you."

"Stokeley I can't right now." She spoke, before pushing the door closed. Stokeley stopped it with his foot and elbow.

"Rae I need you. I can't live without you. I'm nothing without my other half. These last few days have been hell for me because I don't have you. Rae I love you, I'm in love you. Baby, please, forgive me." He took a step closer to her and took her hands into his. She stared at him for a good 15 seconds.

"C'mere." She said putting her hand under his chin and bringing his face to hers. Stokeley took the hint and pressed his lips against hers. Raelynn jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist.

Their lips danced as Stokeley carried Raelynn deeper into her home. He shut the door with his foot.

He sat her on the counter as they continued to make out. He gripped the low puff her hair was in and pulled her head back. He attacked the skin on her neck, leaving multiple hickeys. A low husky moan escaped her lips.

He lifted her grey t-shirt over her head and started to suck along her collar bone. He took her shorts off, along with her panties. He scattered kissed all the way up her thigh before go back up to her lips.

"I missed you." He told her.

"You did?"

"Mhm." He responded.

"Prove it then." She spoke, before biting her lip. He went back down on her. He dragged his tongue up the surface of her vagina, opening up her slit.

Imma finish this later, I'm just posting it because it's almost a whole week late

Also I wanted to announce that I made my imagine camgirl into a book it's "DOLL XXXTENTACION"

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