Chapter VIII

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Good morning ladies and Gens. Hope ye having a mighty fine day!

We have been on the sea for about a week now since we stopped at the cove. I was mostly in my room reading and researching. While Haze does all the crew work. After all, he was my right-hand man. We also raided a couple of fancy ships and fought some small marine vessels. We mostly raid ships for food, clothes or loot, after all, we are pirates. I can feel this journey was going to end soon. 

'Knock, Knock' hearing someone on the door I placed the old leather journal on the desk with the feathered pen.

"Come in" I shouted. Lin our youngest crew member entered. I smiled at the young boy and in returned his face glowed and had the biggest smile I had ever seen and his midnight orbs shimmered with happiness.

"How are ye Lin and what news do you bring?" I asked in a warm voice.

"I be doin' good. I 'ave spotted fancy ship on east. Quartermaster Haze said t' tell ye first" he said with a smile still on his face.

"Aye, Your pirate talk has improved lad" I noted and at that his face glowed even more with pride. I stood up, picked up my long black jacket and told him to follow me. Out the door, we went. The sun shone brightly in my eye which blinded me for a few seconds, once they settled. I covered my head with the band which made a small light shade on my eyes.

The crew looked at me in awe and mild shock. Lin was walking behind me fidgeting awkwardly. While I walked proudly and oozed with power and authority but I Beamed a small smile at them which I am sure did the opposite effect and scared them because they scurried around and began to do their jobs. I spotted Haze standing on the reapers figurehead staring at the bright blue ocean while his deep onyx hair danced in the wind. Turning around he spotted me with his signature smile he started heading towards me. Looking sternly at Lin I told him "Lad, go hide in my cabin."


"No Buts, this is a captain's order." I could tell from Haze eyes that something wasn't right and that he needed to talk about something important, be it the fancy ships or about the crystals.

Lin huffed but he did as he was told. He was still young if something happened to him I would be the only one held responsible and that would make me feel guilty. Sighing I ran a hand through my hair. Haze looked at me with his deep greenish eyes and that's when  I knew he wasn't Haze but Z.

Suddenly thick fog began to appear. I looked around to try to find him. Out of the fog behind me, a pair of hands covered my mouth. I tried to scream but they were muffled due to his hands. "Shhhh don't move. I won't hurt you."

'Yeah right that what someone who is going to hurt me would say.' I thought.

"I will remove my hand on one condition don't scream," he said in a whisper. He waited patiently until I nodded. He removed his hands.

"Explain" I demanded with authority in my voice.

"He sighed and said "Haze."  Haze appeared out of the thick fog and he too sighed and glared with cold icy blue eyes at Z. I never have seen his expression like that before.  

"Not the time Z. Leave!" He commanded and glared harder with venom in his eyes. The once gentle Haze that I knew wasn't there anymore. When he looked at me his eyes softened. The more this journey continues the more I question if I really knew him like I thought. Shaking my head to try to sway the thoughts but that didn't work. Suddenly the fog lifted just as fast as it spread. But this time the real Haze was standing next to me like before. I stared at him with narrowed eyes while he just stood there.

"I will not ask about this now but I will like to have a full explanation someday and I hope that someday is soon," I told him with a stern voice to try to hide the faint betrayal that was slowly filling my once loving heart.  

I patted my coat and clothes and left him standing there. But before I was too far away I order him "Forget about fancy boats now and continue on our course." and walked without waiting for him to reply.

I went back to the captains' cabin to find Lin pacing back and forth in the room. His small feet creaked on the wooden floor. He jumped back when he heard someone enter the room but calmed down when he noticed it was me. 

He angrily looked at me. I sighed. Then he calmed down and said in a faint voice "Ay know there are many things ay don't understand. And that I ain't awfully strong ayn ain't smart enough ta help ya all. There are is also that I can't read maps and stuff. But still ay wanta help ya!" he blurbed on and on. With his faint southern accent that began to show. I began to lightly laugh which caught his attention.  Which made him more frustrated.

I moved closer to him and placed a small hand on his shoulder. "Lin. That isn't true, you are a member of the Red Reaper crew be proud of it. Even if you are a miner member which you aren't. If you weren't around, the ship won't sail."

"Okay," he replied again in a small voice and left the room. He is usually stubborn and won't give in so easily but I know at heart he is a nice kid who just wants to be more helpful.

I went back and sat on my desk which had a chart that was unfolded. I marked where we are and that we would arrive in two days. Two days left until we meet the Kraken. And that what worries me the most. There is also the thing with Haze. Haze, have I really known you for over fifteen years. Have never known such a thing. Was it really you or someone else, what about the boy who I once loved. Sighing again. I picked the book about the Kraken.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please keep in mind they have been edited but by me personally and my grammar isn't the best in the world. I will heir an editor later once the chapters have been all published.

what did you think about Lin? isn't he adorable?

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