Chapter 5

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It was silent outside the academy, save for a distant faint sound of engines revving. A baby-blue Vespa with golden stripes was making its way through the leafy forests, on a path that Ben had repeatedly taken.

Finally stopping, Ben led Mal off the scooter and showed her the rest of the way. "There." Ben pointed with a flourish, and following his finger, Mal saw a tree house, but it looked identical to her old hideout.

"Surprise?" Ben asked her softly, and Mal flew into his arms, tightly hugging him and not letting go.

"Mal, we've got to go now, you'll have more chances in future too." Ben peeled her off him, placing onto the pillion seat of the Vespa and they soon drove off, back to the castle, as the sun rose, casting a warm, golden glow over Auradon.

Finally, they reached the grand doors of the Royal castle. Running up the stairs, Ben bumped straight into his father and Mal skidded to a halt just before crashing into Belle.

"Hi Belle, Hi Adam!" Mal gave a shy smile and Belle hooked arms with Mal. "Don't be so tense in our presence, it's not as though we'll treat you rudely." Belle winked and Mal giggled at the words, relaxing herself.

"Good morning Mrs Potts! What's for breakfast today?" Belle was her bubbly, kind self as usual and the stubby, teapot looking maiden chuckled, "It's strawberries and pancakes your majesty, with maple syrup and butter on the side."

"Strawberries?!" Mal gave a greedy look towards Ben and he pinched her cheek lovingly. "This way please." Cogsworth showed the way, tracking the time anxiously, and Belle curtsied to show her thanks.

Mal, feeling very at home, sat down at her seat instantly beside Ben, and she popped a strawberry into her mouth. It was sweet, with a hint of sour; Mal loved it.

"This is amazing!" Mal swallowed her small bite of pancakes, eyes shining in delight at the deliciousness. "Woah, slow down so that you don't choke!" Ben laughed at her gobbling, and Mal for once couldn't be bothered to shoot him a glare.

"Yes, it is delicious indeed, but I am sure that was not the ultimate motive of having breakfast with us. What was, then?" Belle wiped her lips with gentle dabs of the napkin. "Mum, Dad, Mal and I......are officially engaged!" Ben held up Mal's hand, showing them the ring, and Adam nearly choked on his strawberry in delight at the wonderful news.

"That is most fantastic! So when's the wedding?" Belle beamed, thumping Adam hard on the back, and Ben smiled, "One month from now, perhaps? Like on the ninth of March." Ben suggested, and Mal nodded in agreement.

"Why not? That is a marvellous date. I shall do my necessary arrangements later on today. And for now, off to school for you two!" Belle shooed them out of the dining hall, and Mal gave her a mischievous look on the way out.

"See you during break time!" Mal waved to Ben as she got out of the royal limousine, her leather bag slung over her shoulder. "Mal! We've got to get you a fitting!" Evie was practically screaming in Mal's ear the moment she stepped foot into the school.

"Mal!" Fairy Godmother rushed over in that periwinkle gown of hers, "Mal, I've heard from Belle about the good news! You two are exempted for the day! Evie, I assume you can take over from here!" Fairy Godmother hinted Evie and Evie winked a thank you before dragging Mal away, back to the dorm rooms.


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