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=EXO Showtime Eps. 12 :)

KRIS- With a superior height.Group's visual. A confidence like no one can beat. A cold city guy.

TAO- Innocent girl Tao. If there's something he wants? Ask's like a child.

XIUMIN- If you don't reveal his age, a fcae that can be EXO's maknae. A trendy man.

LAY- Lay who showed himself as he was at every moment. Indeed, a very good friend. Someone who can mixed with other people he meets at first time.

LUHAN- Many challenges that found this man who wants to be a real man. He's not a weak man.

SEHUN- This maknae who is full of playfulness. But know the beauty of reversal charm.

BAEKHYUN- The one who's in charge of laughter. A joking neighborhood kid side.

CHANYEOL- A person who overcome things he can't do with positivity. Brightens everyone around him.

CHEN- Everyday he took care on everyone around him. In an attentive caring manner.

D.O- Although he doesn't talk a lot he says everything with his eyes. A silent strong presence.

KAI- Dark skin meets dancing machine the result is an explosion on stage.

SUHO- Wordlessly giving his card. Quietly always doing something for the members. The leader who would do anything for EXO.

There stories that they personally told for the first time.~


While typing every word of this chapter. It hurts really. :(

Crying again...


©-kaixistal :]

@ALLKPOP *HIATUS~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon