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Ginny Weasley was at dinner when a note flew over to her. Meet me on the Astronomy tower in thirty minutes. Please, this is vitally urgent. Ginny didn't know what to make of the note. She didn't recognize the handwriting, and there was no signature, or even initial. She wasn't sure if she should do it, but, if it really was urgent. How could she ignore it? This seemed like a plea. Or an order, either way she figured that it would be best to listen. Which was how thirty minutes later, Ginny was up on the Astronomy Tower, the chilly evening air making her cold, restlessly tapping her foot in annoyance at being kept waiting.

"Just listen before you run off, please." Ginny turned around face-to-face with none other than Blaise Zabini. 

"Why did you call me up here on this oh so urgent matter?" Ginny said, a tone of obvious dislike. 

"Trust me, I would not have called you up here if I could think of anyone else. But I can't, so...before you go running off to tell your precious friends of this meeting, I need a rather huge favor of you." Blaise's voice shook at the end of the statement. Ginny noticed that unusually the cold facade that he held,  Blaise looked to be very nervous. 

"What is it?" Blaise took something from out of his cloak. It was a DVD. "Why do you, oh precious slytherin pure-blood, have a muggle DVD."

"SHH!" Blaise looked nervously around. "If my father hears of this I doubt I shall ever see the light of day again, or come back to Hogwarts at all for that matter." Blaise's eyes showed fear. For once, Ginny wondered what happened in the homes of some of these Slytherins. 

"What does this have on it?" Ginny asked him as he shoved the case towards her. She took it carefully. 

"Something that if found out to the wrong people could leave me with several broken bones, and possibly permanent brain damage." Blaise said in a dead serious tone. 

"That explains a lot." Ginny said sarcastically. 

"Well, let me just say that it is not a pretty sight. You may hate us Slytherins, but what you do not seem to care about is what some of us have to deal with at home. I can tell you that one of my friends happens to be in this, and one of my father's friends happens to be in this, and if either my father or his friend found out that I even at one point held it in my hand, I would be dead for life. However, I am scared for my friend. So, this is a risk that I have to take."

"Who is this friend?" Blaise shook his head. 

"I can't tell you that, because if I do, than you will most likely just throw it out without a second glance. If my friend finds out that this was taken I don't know what I will do, nor how much worse he will get. Needless to say, I had to use a small Muggle Camera."

"You, using Muggle equipment?" 

"Not so loud! Who knows who might be listening. I am serious!" Blaise said with more urgency as Ginny scoffed. "My father is not as cruel as some, but he is still bad. Okay? If he found out that I resorted to Muggle technology I might as well kill myself. He believes that no wizard should even touch anything like this. I cannot let him know my views are not the exact same as his. So, be very careful please." Blaise hissed. 

"Why are you giving me this?" Blaise took a deep breath.

"Watch it with the Weasley Twins, no one else." Blaise said the last three words with more urgency than before. It shocked Ginny. "Do not tell anyone but your parents and Weasley Twins that this DVD even exists. Nor that I am the one that gave it to you. Okay? You have the luck of having parents that care about you unconditionally, some of us aren't that lucky. I have to tred carefully around my father and mother, and as much as I despise them and hate them and fear them, they are not nearly as bad as what the video is going to show you. Trust me. Once you see it, you will be horrified. Just, watch it with the Twins, then send it to your parents, and have them watch it. Hopefully your father can make the MCPM get involved."

"Magic Child Protective Ministry?" 

"Quiet." Blaise said through his teeth. "You will understand once you watch it. I suggest you do it tonight because there aren't any classes for a few days."

"Okay, I will." 

"Thank you." Blaise visibly relaxed.

Ginny grabbed Fred and George and pulled them aside. 

"I need you to take me to one of your secret passages, one that nobody knows, so that we can watch something." Fred and George smiled at each other. 

When they were in the passage, Ginny tapped the disk three times with her wand and whispered some strange words. She had spent at least an hour trying to figure out a spell that would allow her to watch the muggle contraption without the necessary DVD player and TV.  A hollowgraphic image appeared in the passageway.

"HERE WE GO!" Fred yelled and pumped his fist. That is, until they saw what was going on.

"You are a pure-blood, start behaving like it!" Lucius yelled. "You can't beat a petty Mudblood in classes?" 

"Blood status doesn't matter when it comes to that." Draco muttered. Lucius' eyes flashed. 

"What, did you say?" Draco looked up and instant fear was in his eyes. "I thought I taught you well enough last time that you would never speak such words aloud!" Lucius said, voice quivering in anger. 


"Enough," Lucius said, voice low and controlled. A flash of green light, and Draco was on the floor, pain blocking all other senses. "You see, Draco," Lucius said, flicking his wand a little, causing the pain to increase. Draco whimpered, still managing to control himself. "I don't tolerate such disrespect in this house." Lucius flicked his wand once more, and the scream that tore itself from Draco's mouth was hear-wrenching. 

"I can't watch this anymore!" Ginny yelled, she flicked her wand and the dvd stopped. She looked at Fred and George, who where absolutely horrified. 

"I can't believe that someone could possibly do that to their only child. It...it's horrible." Fred said. 

"We've gotta let Mum and Dad know about this."


"Who gave this to you?" George asked, curious. 

"You'll never guess." Ginny smirked.

"I would have never guessed that Malfoy was being tortured at home." George countered. 

"Ya, true, it was Blaise Zabini." their eyes widened. 

"Well, let's get this to Mum and Dad."

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