𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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Lamby P.O.V.

The girl named Anna grabbed my arm tightly, "follow me." She said.

I looked over to Spike, he was trying to fight off the boys from grabbing him, "Okay! Okay, I can walk myself!"

Anna pushed me towards the one room on the left. "Take a bath."

Anna must be a person of few words.

She opened the door and pushed me in, locking the door from the outside.

What kind of bathroom has a lock on the outside?

The bathroom was small with a toilet, sink, and large bathtub filling the room. The bathtub was full with water and a towel rested on the edge. It was as if they were waiting for someone to come.

Despite the strange situation, I was covered in dirt and extremely tired. I hadn't slept in two days, so I pulled my dirty clothes from my body and hopped in.

I immediately regretted getting in, as the water was freezing cold. I shivered in the ice cold water and washed myself with the soap set out as fast as I could. What kind of crazy people make someone bathe in cold water?

Once I was done with my bath and dried off, I put my old clothes back on. I hated putting dirty clothes back on, but I had no other option. I knocked on the door when I finished changing.

Anna opened the door and pulled me to one of the rooms, her's I was assuming.

It was a plain room with only two twin beds across from each other, a tall brown lamp, and a dresser.

She closed the door behind us and went to the dresser. She pulled a long white ruffly dress, "please put this on for bed."

I hadn't slept in a night gown since I was little, so I found it quite strange, but I'm unwilling to argue. They were nice enough to fix Spike's bike for free and let us stay with them.

"All right," I agreed, heading for the bathroom.

"No. Change here, the boys use the bathroom now." She said startling me.

I nodded and quickly changed out of my clothes, facing the wall. I felt embarrassed changing in front of her, because she watched my every move.

I turned back around, she quickly stood from the bed.

"I'm sorry for watching, it's just my mother doesn't like any kind of blemishes on skin." Anna apologized.

As strange as that was I couldn't help but I wonder what she thinks of Spike, with all his tattoos and piercings. I smiled at the thought of the woman yelling at Spike. But what right did this woman have to tell me or Spike how to decorate our skin.

I heard a knock on the door, followed by the door opening quickly.

The woman walked in with a glass cup in one hand and a pitcher in the other.

"Fill the cups while I get your medicine." The woman demanded towards her daughter.

Her daughter quickly fumbled around the room grabbing and filling her glass and filling the new one. The woman left the room while Anna did this and returned quickly.

Anna handed me the cup of water, "for you."

I took the cup then watched the woman hand a pill to Anna. Anna took the pill quickly and the woman checked her mouth to make sure she swallowed it.

The woman then came to stand in front of me, reaching her hand out to me with the same pill she had given to Anna. 

Does she expect me to actually eat some random pill she's giving me? I don't know her, or trust her. Okay maybe you're thinking right now, that I don't always make the correct decisions when it comes to people I don't know. However, there is a certain line I draw.

"I'm not taking this. I'm sorry if I'm rude, but I can't trust you. My parents wouldn't allow me, we just met." I apologized softly.

"Child, your parents are not here. You can trust me, take it."

"I'm not going to-" I started, being cut off by the woman with her now much stricter tone, "take it now."

I looked over to Anna, I could tell from her face she was begging me to take the pill.

I hesitantly grabbed the pill and pretended to take it. I hid it carefully in between my fingers and slipped it up my sleeve, bringing down my arm.

I'm sure you are wondering how I did that so easily. My mother used to give me a lot of meds to calm my anxiety before pageants, but I hated the flavor. So, I wouldn't take them and just hid them. I got pretty good at it.

The woman stared at me, expecting me to open my mouth. I opened my mouth slowly and let her check.

"Good, now the two of you go to bed." The woman smiled and grabbed the pitcher, turning off the lamp as she left the room.

"Hurry quick, let us sleep." Anna grabbed my glass and set it back down on the dresser.

She pulled me to one of the twin beds, "lay down. The pills work fast."

I carefully hid the pill under the pillow. I'll get rid of it tomorrow.

I gave her a questioning look, "what are the pills?"

"No time for questions, only sleep." Anna answered almost stumbling to her bed. Upon reaching her bed she laid down quickly.

She closed her eyes and seemed to have already fallen asleep.

I suppose the pills were sleeping pills, and very strong ones at that. Maybe something even close to a tranquilizer? But why she gave us this I couldn't understand.

However, I was actually tired. I wouldn't need any help sleeping tonight. I closed my eyes and let the warmth of the covers take over me.

That was until a strange loud noise woke me. I couldn't decipher very quickly what it was in my sleepy state.

But then I knew.

It was moaning, someone was moaning almost inhumanly.

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