Oakley's POV: Zoe was my auntie and she was lovely and always did my makeup and helped me with everything. I asked Zoe if she could do my makeup tomorrow morning because we were staying the night. She said of course but I need to go to bed now seen as it's 12 o'clock. At home I would go to bed late anyways.
JoesPOV: Oakley went to bed without even saying good night to Dianne or me and I could tell she was in a bad mood because of the conversation we had earlier and Dianne's parents are coming in 2 days. Zoe knows about the abuse and does as much as she can to help but we also decided to tell Zoe and Alfie (Zoe's boyfriend incase you didn't know) about her attitude.
Zoe-hows everything been lately. Joe-not good really. Dianne-Oakley's attitude is so bad towards us like really bad ever since we got back from Australia. Alfie-is it because the abuse? Joe-no it's also just in general and plus she's annoyed that they are coming back over in 2 days. Zoe-she does need to sort her attitude out if it's bad but i understand. Why don't u bring her over when Dianne's parents are here and let me meet them aswell. Dianne-yeh okayyy *DISCLAIMER RY RY AND TYDUS ARE WITH JOES MUM INCASE YOUR WONDERING* JoesPOV: I went upstairs to check in Oakley's room and I could see that she was still up and on her phone.
Joe-you ok? Oakley-mhm. Joe-Your mum wants to speak to you soon seen as your still up. Oakley-I don't want to. Joe-well she wants to and she's coming up in a second and then you can go to bed yeh? Oakley-mhm. Joe-also we are coming over to Zoe's in a few days with your mums parents. Oakley-ok. *Dianne walks in and Joes leaves* Dianne-you okay now? Oakley-mhm. Dianne-Oakley I don't no what to do to help anything babe. Oakley-maybe sit your dad down when there here and say you better stop abusing my daughter but you won't because you don't care about me and me being hurt. Dianne-that is definitely not true at all. of course I care I love you a lot. Oakley-well until you have spoke to your parents about it I'm not on good terms with you and I'm not sure about dad. Dianne-well we are your parents so. Oakley-whatever. *Dianne goes back downstairs* Joe-how did it go? Dianne-yeh we haven't sorted anything. She said she wants me to sit down and tell my dad to stop abusing her and things but I just don't know what to do. Joe-we will sort it eventually.
JoesPOV: One hour later: me and Dianne were heading to bed and I went in and saw Oakley asleep in bed.
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