Chapter 1

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-(Y/n)'s POV-

"Come on (y/n) what's wrong? To weak to get up?" Nora, one of the bullies that tormented me every day of my life since I came to New York, said with a smirk as she kick me in the stomach, make me cough up a red substance, blood.

How did I even get here? I should've never walked though this alley, which I thought was a short cut to get to my apartment but it gave Nora and her little group of "friends" the perfect opportunity to jump me. I wish I never left (c/n) (city's name) to come to New York...

Nora walked closer to me and pulled out a 5 inch pocket knife from the back pocket of her torn up blue jeans. It shined in the silver light of the moon.

My (e/c) eyes went wide.

'Is she actually going to kill me?!'

I backed away in fear but I felt my back come into contact with the hard brick wall.

'Great... just great....'

Nora came closer to me and pushed me against the hard brick wall. She gave me a smirk and held her sharp blade against the fragile (s/c) skin of my neck.

I felt my blood run cold.

'This is it...' I squeeze my eyes shut as tight as my muscles can manage, waiting for the pain to come but it never did.

Instead the sound of a blade cutting though the air and a blood curdling cry filled my ears and I felt the weight of Nora's body being push off of me.

I opened my (e/c) eyes to see Nora on the alley floor with her arm, which was usually covered with pale white skin, was now gushing out crimson red blood from a large slice.

She held her arms tightly and grunted, she looked around for her "friends" but they had runoff or so I assume.

"Get out of here and don't touch her again or next time I won't miss your throat!" A deep voice growls at Nora from the shadows.

It made her flinch but I looked to where the voice came from, didn't scare me but.... but it intrigued me...

Nora tried her best to get up and run out of the alley, she stumbled around but eventually she did.

And I was felt alone with this strange man, this hero, this person who I owed my life to.

The silence in the air wasn't uncomfortable but I felt there was tension that hung there.

"Who are you?" I asked as I took a step closer to the shadow, the man.

I heard him take a step back, was he scared?

"Don't!.... Don't come any closer (y/n)." The man said from the shadows.

"But-," Wait... how did he know my name...?

I could tell the confusion was all written all over my face. "How did you know my name?"

"I heard the girl yell it... " He said.

"Come into the light." I said simplify, wishing to see the person I owed my life too.

"No, I can't.... you'll be afraid..." His deep voice said plainly.

"Afraid? I owe my life to you." I try to argue.

I heard him sigh and then I watched as he slowly step into the yellow light of one of the street lamps.

I couldn't help but gasp.

Standing before me was a mutated turtle, he was tall, had to beautiful emerald skin that shines in the moonlight, he was very well built, he was very muscular, and he had a blue bandana tied around his eyes.

I looked in his eyes and my breath was caught in my throat, his eyes were beautiful...

His eyes were a beautiful cool Ocean color, they were so calm, so mature, so.... perfect.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he cleared his throat.

"Aren't you afraid?" He said, sounding almost surprised

I shook my head to answer his question. "No, why would I be? You just saved me." I said in a kind tone.

"Thank you."

I watched as a small smile spread across his lips. "It's what I do and you're welcome (y/n)."

Now it was my turn to smile. Then I heard the sirens of a New York police car, my head snapped around to see the group of them coming towards the alley.

I turned back to the turtle that saved me but he was gone, felt sadness spark in my heart but I had to run.

Before I could a piece of paper gently landed in front of my feet, I leaned over and pick it up.

'Names Leonardo by the way and if you ever need me, here's my number

(Cell number).'

I smiled at myself as I ran out of the alley and towards my apartment.

'I hope to meet again and soon Leonardo'



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