1. night thoghts; July 1st 2019

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1:59 am

Tonight I'm awake being restless, I can't sleep, I'm thinking about my problems, life, family, and boyfriend.

I think my boyfriend is just with me because of pity and they feel bad. He refuses to kiss me, or hug me or "love me".

I'm listing to a song on repeat called 'when I grow up' by NF. It's new and my new favorite one above 'The search' by NF which is also new.

My mine is very blurry and I'm to high to remember my age or how old I'll be in about a week or two.

I'm sweating like a fat dude walking up stairs. And I, like I said, can't sleep.

I hate my life. I got finished with a fight with my mother about packing for a camping trip and I started to cut again. I have plenty of scars on my arm. I, for the first time ever, cut my leg, blood slowly dripping down my leg.

I want to share a poem quick to.

~I had a dream, a dream I was free, free to live, free to see. And a few people loved me. I was popular and proud, rich, but not to rich, I wasn't and outcast and hated, people liked me for the real me, and I had my life in one piece. But it all had to end at a point right. At least for me.~
                                          By: Sid Naillil Smith

I think that is all for tonight

And please as me some qustions

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