Chapter 3: I think I fell for you

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Harry and I were up in our tree being goof balls as per usual, though below us Tom and Harrison had been having their own hangout. Judging by the looks of it they were in the middle of a game of one on one foot ball, it got quite annoying when the ball would keep rattling against tree but after a while I didn't care. I actually don't know if Tom and Harrison even knew we're in the tree at all.

"Sorry Tom's being a div who can't aim a ball, I promise when we get down I'll punch him for you," Harry says playfully.

"I think he'd be fine seeing as you can't throw a punch and trust me if I'd need to I could punch him myself,"

"Ouch, you know I think I'd be able to give ol' Spider-Man a good knock out,"

"Of course you do," I say as I lead to the side on one of the branches.

"Wait y/n I don't think that ones strong enough," Harry yells as he tries to pull me back but it was too late. I had already started my decent back to the hard ground.

"Oh shit," I hear Harrison yell and then out of nowhere I seemed to have land on Tom bringing him down with me.

"Fuck y/n are you okay," I see Harry peek out of the tree to say. But I was a little preoccupied to answer.

"Sorry Tom, I didn't mean to uh sorry," I say embarrassed as I literally fell on the hottest person I've ever seen.

"It's alright, say are you ok though," Tom replies worryingly.

"Uh ya," I respond unsure, still very dazed on the fact that I fell on Spider-Man!

I quickly get off of him before I do anything else that'll embarrass myself.

"I think your arm begs to differ," he says as he points to the gushing red blood streaming from it.

"Shit," I sigh in a whisper.

"I'll help you with it," he says getting up and giving me his hand to grab on to.

He quickly pulled me up, definitely underestimating his strength as he pulled me a little too strongly sending me straight into him, using my other hand to stop. I could feel his chest through the thin fabric of his t-shirt, I quickly moved it. Though we were still really close, so close I could smell the faint cologne he put on this mourning through the thick fumes of his sweat. I swallowed thickly. Our hands were still interlocked as he brought me to the kitchen. I've never had contact with Tom but now that he's holding my hand I can't help but feel butterflies in my chest. But I brushed them aside once Tom uttered a few words.

"Uh lemme get ice," Tom says letting go of my hand and grabbing a bag of frozen peas.

"Uh close enough," he adds.

I small laugh escapes my lips as he then struggles to find any towels. I just sat up on the counter top watching him search the kitchen like a mad man.

"Found em'," he exclaims before placing it on my arm.

The silence between us felt comfortable like we were just old friends, well that's what we are, old friends. Tom wiped away all of the streaming blood as he removed his hand I held the frozen peas against my throbbing arm.

"Uh here, trick is to put pressure on the injury," Tom says as he places his hand on top of mine squishing the cold peas against my bare skin.

I winced as he did so.

"S-sorry," he stumbled, as he looked down almost worryingly that I was hurting.

"It's alright, say you know a lot about fixing cuts and bruises, huh Tommy"

A rosy blush sprouted upon Tom's face as I called him Tommy. When we were kids I used to always call him Tommy back when we'd actually see him, once he began getting all these roles in different movies he seemed to have disappear, filming in places like America and Italy it was hard to see him as often. I'm guessing his old childhood nickname brought back a few memories that he's forgotten about.

He looked up and smiled at me, nibbling at his lip. His brown eyes almost looked golden in the sunlight, so deep I could look at them for hours yet so soft that it make any girl blush.

"Guess I learned a few things whenever I got hurt at stunt practise,"

"You mean Spider-Man get's hurt," I ask in sarcastic disbelief.

"Ya," he laughs, I began to laugh with him.

"I should probably go back to uh Harrison, I'll see ya later y/n," he says exiting with an extra spring in his step.

A few seconds pass and almost on cue Harry walks in to check on me. He burst in a fit of laughter unable to contain himself from giggles inside.

"How in the bloody hell did you fall out of the tree," he asks in-between giggles.

I began to join in with his fit of laughter. the two of us decided to not go back in the tree and just have a movie marathon, soon enough Harrison and Tom joined us as it was dark outside and our fall nights get pretty chilly. Since my parents and the Holland's were so close they allow me to sleepover at their place and vice versa, Harry's always sleeping at my place when Paddy and Sam become unbearable. Tonight Harry and I were sleeping in the living room with our blankets and sleeping bags decked out, around 3:00 am Harrison went back home and we decided to shut off the movies and head to sleep. Tom went up to his bedroom leaving Harry and I alone,Sam and Paddy were already in a deep asleep.

"Harry," I whispered,"You aren't sleeping are you," I ask.

Though the silence followed by a trail of snores led me to believe he was long gone. I don't know what it was but something was on my mind that just wouldn't let me sleep. Like feelings that needed to be shared, I tried closing my eyes but alas thoughts trailed as to what might be keeping me up so late. The creaking of hardwood floor startled me and a gasp left my mouth.

It was Tom.

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