The Tale of the Brave Women

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Annabeth sighed and squinted some, she was dead on her feet, but what she was doing was more important than sleeping. She was observing Piper and Leo. Percy would most likely call her a stalker for that, but she was only worried for them. Drew was giving Piper quite a hard time and Leo tended to overload himself with work (she was well aware that it was very hypocritical of her to say that, but she was still worried for the tinkerer). Though at least Jason seemed to be able to take care of Leo somehow, the blonde just needed to smirk at the son of Hephaestus and Leo was out of Bunker Nine, doing whatever the Roman wanted. Like a cute puppy dog. A little bit like the boys reacted whenever Percy batted his eyelashes at them.

Oh great, she can't even go five thoughts without Percy popping up in them! Groaning in frustration, she decided that it was time to get distracted by some friends. Straightening her back, she walked out of camp to where she knew she would find her friend.

"What if something happens to him?"

"Now you're really being overly dramatic. He lived through his search for Pan. Why should something happen to him on his search for our Disney princess?"

"Clarisse is right, Juni. I'm sure that Grover will be fine."

Annabeth chuckled a bit amused as she entered the cave, finding a very distressed tree-nymph, a glaring redhead and an overly unimpressed brunette. Juniper was worried out of her mind for her boyfriend. For Percy too, of course, but even more so for Grover. What if the satyr came close to finding Percy and that foe that had managed to capture the most powerful demi-god in existence would not be pleased? Whoever it was, they were certainly strong enough to get rid of a satyr if he annoyed them. The thought made her stomach knot.

"Hey, girls", smiled Annabeth strained as she sat down in front of Juniper.

"Enough pining for today, Chase? Yes?", grunted Clarisse. "I think I speak for all of camp if I say; Just go to her and end this odd eggshell-dance the two of you are performing there."

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about", hissed the blonde and blushed. "Anyway, what were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, I would appreciate it if we would rather talk about your love-life instead of the possibilities of something happening to... oh good nature", sighed the nymph and sobbed slightly.

It was hard to say no when faced with a worried girlfriend of a close friend. "Okay, fine... But can we not talk inside a depressing cave, please?"

The redhead stuck her tongue out at her friend and the four females left the oracle's cave to walk through the forest together.

"Okay, so... Spill it. I still remember how angry you've been at Percy for breaking up", grinned Rachel with sparkling eyes, edging closer to the blonde.

"Angry?", snorted Clarisse and rolled her eyes. "She's been a pouty brat for weeks."

"Because I've been crushing on him for ages before we came together", sighed Annabeth, combing her fingers through her hair. "And he was my best friend. It was hard to settle with the fact that he broke up with me and confessed to be gay..."

"And now you're facing sudden homosexuality yourself?", chuckled Clarisse, nudging her.

"It's not... sudden", shrugged Annabeth awkwardly and blushed. "I mean, I have been kind of crushing on Thalia before we came to camp. I guess I just... never felt comfortable with admitting it. When we came to camp, all I saw were happy straight couples for the longest of times. With everyone slowly falling in love - Beckendorf and Silena, you and Grover, or you and Chris - I had been feeling a bit uncomfortable... And Percy was there and so incredibly cute. It... was easier for me to project some kind of feelings onto him to feel normal, to fit in... But when he broke up with me to stand to his true colors, it hurt me even more because I wasn't as brave..."

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