Chapter Four: Swift Arrival

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I raised my head as I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on my door. Casting my gaze over to the window, I could see where the sun was setting. It splashed an array purples, oranges, yellows, and reds over the walls of my room. It looked like the flames of hell were dancing on my wall, and in a way, it was perfect. I had been in hell since this morning or better yet, heading there rather quickly.

“Emma, its Lukas. May I come in?”

I sighed; I don’t even know why he asks anymore. He’s acting like he won’t come in anyways. As I expected, when I didn’t answer, he opened the door.

“Emma, you can’t stay in here forever. Mother and Father are asking for you down at supper tonight.”

          Rolling my head to the opposite wall, I asked him, “What am I supposed to do Lukas? They shove me into this marriage, with a Scottish man no less, separate me from the man I love, and then they expect me to be the obedient and loving daughter still?” I said as I looked at him. “I don’t think so.” I fixed my eyes back out the window again.

          Lukas stood by the door and gave her an inquisitive look. Emma had always been just that; obedient, faithful, and loving. Maybe their parents had pushed her too far.

          “Emma, this is a rather sticky situation that I don’t know if I can fix. I was of age already when they had my marriage arranged. Not to mention the woman I loved was still a princess. You situation is slightly different. Also, there is the fact that I am a boy. Sorry,” he said as she whipped her head around and gave him a death stare.

          “So being a boy means you get more of a hand in making decisions that concern your life? Must be nice to be born with that privilege,” I spat at him.

          “Emma Rakel, I’m just trying to help you! You don’t have to get angry. I am not the one making you marry the Scottish king. However, if you are going to behave this way, I will leave,” he said vehemently as he turned towards the door.

           Sitting up, I looked at him. “Wait, Lukas, wait. I am sorry. Please don’t leave.”

          He stood at the door with his back to me and let out a breath. Once he turned around, his hazel eyes locked with mine and he stood there with his arms crossed. Oh. He was waiting for me to explain myself.

          “I guess I’m just so angry at the whole situation,” I said as I stood up and started to pace. “They are sending me off to be with this man, who I don’t know the first thing about, taking Benjamin away from me, sending me to a kingdom that is infested with dragons,” my voice raised an octave, “Then they expect me to be ready to go in fourteen days, I can only see Benjamin once, and they want me to ride his freaking dragon back to Scotland??!! Have they lost their minds? I have a good notion to just run away.”

          Yeah, Lukas thought to himself, she’s definitely heated. Walking towards her with his hands outstretched, he said, “Emma, you know you can’t do that. Running away will solve nothing. You will just have a whole kingdom looking for you. You know that I will always take your side, but this time, my hands are tied. When King Derick comes to get you, you will have to ride on that dragon either by choice or force. I am sorry.”

          “Et tu, Brute? How can you take their side when you were in the same situation not too long ago?” I shouted. “You know how I feel about dragons; about what happened to me,” I said quieter as I sat down at my vanity.

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