Chapter Thirteen: An Unexpected Twist

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          “Now that we’ve concluded, I have an announcement.” I spoke clearly once I had finally been crowned king of Rosebriar. The crowd waited, they clung to every word that flowed from my mouth as if a simple crown and title changed the way they viewed me entirely. “It has been brought to my attention that there has been several issues involving a certain commoner within my kingdom. This citizen has caused my wife to be fairly unhappy and I do not wish to let it continue any further.” I spotted Braylene in the back row.

“Lady Braylene please stand!” I commanded with a deep roar rising from my chest. She slowly made her way to her feet; her fear filled eyes met mine. “Due to certain circumstances, I’m sad to announce that you are to be exiled from our kingdom. Like always, you’ll receive two days time to bid farewell to everyone and to leave the city walls. Thank you.” I said as slowly as I could to emphasize my unhappiness. A low hum of chatter swept through the crowd before they fell completely silent. The trumpets surrounding the raised platform sounded as to announce my farewell.

          I had no choice but to rid my life of someone who meant so much to me. Yet Emma meant so much more. I took her hand and we exited the church and made the short walk back to the palace where we could finally be at peace.

*        *        *        *        *

 I let out a yawn; the council had nearly bored me to death in our most recent meeting. Becoming king had its perks, and marrying my sweet Emma did as well. How had I acquired such luck?

          “Leo!” I called out to my brother who had been walking down the hall. “Tell my queen that I’ll be out flying today. I need some time to myself; it’s been an overwhelming week.” I pat his back and sent him on his way.

          I hadn’t truly cleared my mind after I made my decision to exile Braylene shortly after my coronation. She had caused far more trouble than I was comfortable with and I surely couldn’t put Emma through anything else.

          I wasn’t aware of how badly it hurt to see my friend leave. Just a few weeks ago I had loved her so dearly and yesterday I forced her from my kingdom to live as a pariah amongst the lowly commoners.

          I brushed aside the thought and went to see my first true love: Artemis. Yet again I had been neglecting her in so many ways, my schedule was nearly overflowing. In fact, I canceled everything today just to see her. I guess I finally understood why my father had been so absent.

          It was quiet outside; soon the leaves would be changing around the orchards. I smiled; Artemis had been waiting outside the stable for me. I ran toward her, wrapping my arms around her neck. How could I love anything more than my leading lady Arte?

          I mounted quickly and left the ground without a command. Arte hadn’t been flying in quite some time. Her wings ached to soar through the wind. For just a brief moment, my mind had settled just enough to calm myself.

          I could stay with Artemis for hours if she’d be able to fly that long. However, she would get tired. The years had taken a toll on her; the many wars had left tattered spots on her wing. Yet she remained beautiful nonetheless.

          She dipped just below the clouds, circling around the kingdom. She had her favorite route in which we commonly flew. A scream broke my calmness; I spotted Emma in the garden with what looked like Daren, Braylene and the familiar face I spotted at my wedding.

          “Down Arte, this is too peculiar!” I commanded, fearing that my love could be hurt. What had the three wanted from Emma? Why were they frightening her so? Before I knew it my feet were traveling faster than they ever had toward Emma.

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