Chapter Nine: Unwelcomed Guest

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As I made my way to dinner I heard a voice calling after me, “Derick! Derick!” I whipped around to search for the familiar sound. My eyes locked on to Braylene, who looked beautiful. “What are you doing here?” I raised a brow. Her face fell as she gawked at me.

“Dinner!” She screeched. I never realized how horrible of a voice she had.

“Ahh, yes. Who invited you?” Fear finally set it. I couldn’t let Braylene meet Emma. Without a doubt they’d quarrel the entire dinner and this was our engagement party. I’d spent nearly half the day looking for the perfect ring. It had to be half as beautiful as her.

“Your mother, of course. I thought perhaps you’d be excited to see me. They said you had a royal meltdown what felt like such a long time ago. No one knew where you went, and I started to miss you.” She searched for the excitement in my eyes which never showed. I wasn’t excited to see her at all, last I knew she refused to even be my friend.

She traced the muscles on my arm, “I’m sorry about before.” She batted her long eyelashes. “Dinner has been canceled.” I assured her, although it certainly wasn’t. “Stop with the foolish games, my son.” My mother’s voice boomed behind me.

“Dinner is waiting, please come.” She said once more. I let out a stifled groan, my past and my future would collide tonight.

*        *        *        *        *

“Emma, meet Braylene.” My voice was stiff as I took my seat next to my bride. “Hello.” Her response was brief and she never lifted her eyes to look at Braylene.

“Derick, I met the most wonderful man today while I was out in the orchard. Surely you two would make great friends.” Braylene’s voice echoed into my mind. “Son, before the chatter perhaps you’ll make your announcement.” My mother nodded. Had she too noticed how awful my previous love had been?

As I raised my head, I noticed the councilmen and their families had joined us and my eleven brothers sat around the table and I was the head. Emma sat just to my left, I took her hand in mine and we both stood.

My hand grazed the ring in my vest, and I wrapped my fingers around it.

“My family and those who work diligently with me, I look at you tonight a better man than I was before I left. Tonight I introduce you to my sweet Emma.” My façade was believable.

“I ask her on one knee,” I made the mistake of looking at Braylene; tears had fallen down her face already, “I ask that she allows me to take her hand in marriage.” I look back to Emma, her emerald eyes sparkled. Never had I known true beauty or love until I looked up at her.

 She leaned down to whisper, “I didn’t know I had a choice.” She laughed soft enough that only I heard.  After giving a small nod she too looked at Braylene with hardened features then a smile spread across her face. I slipped the diamond ring on to her finger and returned the smile.

I was more than warmed up to Emma.

*        *        *        *        *

Braylene left shortly after my announcement and an ease washed over us all. I had kept Emma’s hand in mine all night never wanting to let go. She had looked so beautiful in the dresses I bought her this morning.

“It’s time to go to bed, dear.” My mother kissed Emma’s forehead. I suppose that my mother too had warmed up to the princess.

I’ll admit that it was strange to have another woman in the castle with us. The femininity was becoming overwhelming. I took Emma’s hand once more as I escorted her to our room where we would both be sleeping.

“It’s beautiful in here, who’s room is it?” Her voice was soft like velvet. “Mine.” I released her hand to run mine through my neatly kept hair. “But it is so clean?” She teased.

“Despite common belief I am a neat person.” Why was I nervous to speak to her? “And where am I to sleep?” She questioned. Perhaps it was different in Norway. “On the bed, I’d hope.”

“And where are you to sleep?” Why was she so confused? “On the bed, of course.” Horror spread across her face, “Absolutely not, sir!”

“And where do you suppose I sleep, Emma?” I laughed, “The floor!” She screamed. Although she was yelling her voice was soft and barely broke the silence.

“Not even if you begged. Go and change, I’ll be in bed.” She stared at me for a moment before deciding to battle my statement.

She returned moments later, her long hair had been taken down and braided and her intricate gown was replaced by a sleeping gown. I had stripped out of my showy garments and remained only in simple linen pants.

I was faced away from her as she emerged from behind the dressing screen. “Your back…” She whispered softly. “It’s nothing, my princess. Come, lay with me. I will not touch you unless you ask.”

“Please, let me clean your back once more my king.”  She seemed shaken. “Alright, if you insist.” I laughed, not yet looking at her. She seemed to be away an eternity before I felt the bed give beneath her.

“I’m thankful that you protected me Derick, I could’ve been the injured one.” She began to clean my wound. I winced at the pain when she first began but then relaxed my tensed muscles.

I felt her tracing my muscles as she cleaned. “You’re awfully strong.” I could hear the blush in her voice. “Thank you, my queen. It’s only from training the dragons around here.” I felt the heat rise in my face as well.

She was silent as she finished and bandaged the sore cut.

“I’ll go stay in a guest room, I prefer you to be comfortable.” I sighed, standing to my feet. “No, please… Don’t go. It’s my first night away from Norway. I beg that you stay.” She tried to mask the tears in her voice. She had walked over to the vanity to lay the cleaning supplies back down.

“Alright, fret not my dear.” I sat back down and waited for her to return. “Tell me, how long did you know of our engagement dinner?” She asked as she took her spot next to me.

The words flowed so freely from my mouth, “When we arrived home I laid you down in here to sleep and told Rebekah to wait for you to wake. I went down to speak with my mother and she decided it would be best that I go and search for a ring while she announced the dinner. It was more of a last minute decision than anything.” I hadn’t told her how worried I was that she wouldn’t like the ring or that she’d be upset that I hadn’t told her but she looked so peaceful as she slept.

She gave a nod to acknowledge me. “The ring is beautiful.” She draped her hand on mine as to admire it.

I had done something right!

Emma her head on my shoulder, my skin tingled at her touch. She stayed that way, smiling at me. I brushed my hand across her soft cheek, wanting nothing more than to explain my newly found feelings. But, instead she let out a long yawn and closed her eyes.

I gently lay her down on her pillow and turn away from her. Guilt had swallowed me whole. I knew that she loved another man yet I had been showing such affection.

I shook the thought away. Emma was my lady now, and we were to marry soon whether we liked it or not.

I left her to sleep alone, taking my usual spot by the window across the room to watch the lights.

Had I developed such feelings for Emma? Yes, I did. I loved her dearly.

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