does this deserve more? yes it does so hahahahahahahahahahahaha

10 0 0

Never. Ever. Read. That.


Back to nikado...

I started to gain subscribers, likes, and fans. I will never remember the first time I got a piece of fan art. 😊
So, I started to post thrice 😎😎😎😎😎 a week... (does he do that... Haha like ik or care 🦂

PaSt ThE pOiNt Of No ReTuRn)

But the downside of eating fatty foods was gaining the fat. For my videos I would eat expensive foods full of carbs and I went from 🐜 to 🐋. (So accurate am I right? ha 😂)

And from going from thi to thicccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc, I diagnosed myself with colon cancer, depression, mesothelioma, tuberculosis, sleep paralysis, and hotness.

Okay, every single one of those WERE REAL HAHA!

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