Chapter Seventeen pt. 2

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***Disclaimer!! This is not my picture, I found it on google. So credit to the creator of this beautiful work of art!***

The Reception/Homeymoon kinda? I think? idek

Steve and Tony danced their first dance as one as the sun set. The song ended and Tessa happily yelled "Cake" causing Steve and Tony to let out a soft chuckle "She is literally the female version of you" Steve smiled "I agree, it is time for cake though" Tony grinned, letting go of Steve. Steve smiled and followed Tony over to the table where the cake was... "Elizabeth! Where are your shoes?" Tony asked, seeing Tessa had taken her shoes off "They were hurting my feet so I put them over there by Uncle Nick" Tessa smiled pointing over to Fury...

After cake and drinks, and a few tear jerking speeches from friends and family, then a few more drinks and some loud music the night was over. Everyone helped clean up the venue and Bucky took the kids back to their hotel rooms to get their clothes...

*Time Skip*

Steve's P.O.V

When Tony and I got out of the car at the airport Tony stumbled back a little "Are you okay?" I asked "Yeah, I just haven't had that much to drink since before we got together" Tony smiled leaning against the car "You sure you're okay?" I chuckled "Yeah just a lil buzzed" He giggled "Uh huh" I smiled "I don't think I've had that much to drink since before we got together" Tony stated again... Tessa then ran over to us in tears "I don't wanna go" she cried, grabbing Tony and hugging him "Hey, you'll be okay" Tony said softly, hugging her back almost instantly sobering up "But what if I have another nightmare?" Tess asked "You'll be okay, Bucky, Sam, Thor, Bruce and Nat will be there and I'm sure May will let Peter come over... You're gonna be okay, I promise" Tony smiled, kissing her head... "Come on Sissy, us, Sam and your brother and sister are driving home, they didn't have room on this flight for all of us and I'm not spending the night in an airport" Backy said calmly as he walked up "You guys be careful" I smiled "We will be... Sam, L and Sean are already in the car waiting, I told them it may be a second" Backy informed "Go on Tess... You're gonna be okay, I promise... If you need to talk you can called me whenever you want" Tony smiled "Okay" Tessa nodded, reluctantly letting go of Tony "I love you guys" She said with a small smile "We love you too" Tony and I said in unison "Tell Luna and Sean we love them too" Tony smiled, Tessa nodded and walked to the car with Bucky...

*Times Skip*

No One's P.O.V

Steve and Tony got to their hotel room, Steve put out the do not disturb sign then walked over to Tony "Ya know... I think we should go to bed now" Tony smirked "I think that's a good idea" Steve smiled, kissing Tony. They stripped down to their boxers and Steve gently pushed Tony back onto the bed then flopped down beside him "Goodnight Steven" Tony smiled "Goodnight Anthony" Steve said, kissing Tony's forehead, they both soon fell asleep in each other's arms...

Tony's P.O.V

I woke up in dark cold room all alone "Steve" I called out as I stood up *nothing* "STEVE" I called louder *still nothing* "Tony" I heard a familiar voice say softly, I quickly turned around and saw a face I haven't seen in years... "Sarah" I smiled, the room then lit up and it looked like Sarah's old apartment in Missouri "Where am I?" I asked "You're dreaming... I wanted to tell you I'm really proud of you" Sarah smiled "For what?" I asked "Staying strong and raising our kids... I hear Tess and Luna talking to me all the time, they both have amazing young men, I wish I could meet them" Sarah said now... pouring drinks? "You've seemed to move on" She smiled handing me a drink "Yeah... It wasn't easy but Steve made it okay... Kinda" I replied "I am truly proud of you Tony... When Steve came into our lives I honestly thought there was something between you two" Sarah chuckled "There wasn't but now there is" I replied "I noticed" Sarah smiled "How are my kids?" She asked "They're great actually... Tess and Luna didn't take the whole "two Dads" thing too well at first but now it's just like he's been their dad their whole lives" I explained "How'd Sean take it?" Sarah asked "He was beyond thrilled" I smiled "How's Mom and Dad?" Sarah asked "They miss you, we all do but they're doing pretty good... Your whole family is actually doing great" I replied "What aren't you telling me?" Sarah asked "What?" I asked "You're not telling me something" Sarah replied "The girls got captured by the few Hydra agents that are left... and now have PTSD from it... Tess is progressively getting worse, I'm trying to get her to see a therapist but she won't do it" I explained "You're gonna have to put your foot down and tell her she needs to do it for at least a month and if it doesn't help then tell her she won't have to do it anymore... You're the boss, not her" Sarah replied "I know but I don't want to be mean" I sighed "It's not being mean Tony, it's being a parent and doing what's best for her" Sarah said "Now, wake up and enjoy the rest of your honeymoon" she smiled....

I gasped and sat up, looking around the room it was morning now "Are you alright?" Steve asked, stepping out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth "Yeah, I'm fine... I just had an oddly vivid dream" I replied "You want to talk about it?" He asked "Not really" I smiled "Are you sure?" Steve asked "Yeah" I nodded as I got up and walked over to him, laying my head on his bare chest "How about we stay in today" Steve suggested, wrapping an arm around me "I like the sound of that" I smiled. And that's exactly what we did, we stayed in and watched movies and had time to ourselves, it was great...

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