Premiere (EvanStan)

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Summary: Sebastian is a famous actor and takes Chris as his date to the premiere

Chris isn't famous in this one

Sebastian invited Chris to the premiere for his new film. Of course Chris said yes, but he was also very nervous to go to this event.

He had no clue on what to wear, so he had Sebastian pick an outfit for him. Chris trusted him to pick something he would love. So he didn't look until it was time to put it on.

"Babe! You ready?" Sebastian knocked on the bathroom door where Chris was changing. Soon the door swung open and out walked Chris looking as handsome as ever.

Sebastian looked at him up and down with his mouth agape. He just couldn't stop drooling over his boyfriend and how handsome he looked.

"You hate it on me huh? I knew I should've tried it on before." The actor came closer to his nervous boyfriend. "Babe, you look absolutely stunning. Don't worry okay? You look great. I don't think I'll last tonight, I can feel myself getting a boner and if I do, it'll be your fault." He laughed with his boyfriend.

Everyone knew Sebastian and Chris were dating, they were all for it. Everybody loved them together, they were America's Sweethearts.

When they arrived, Chris didn't really know what to expect, he knew pictures were going to get taken, but he didn't know he'd be blinded by all the flashes from the cameras. "Just smile babe." Sebastian said as he wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's waist.

Chris never really did well with all the eyes on him. He felt himself feeling a bit panicked, but nonetheless still smiled since it was his boyfriends big day, he didn't want to ruin it.

They started walking down the red carpet again, but Sebastian felt Chris' clammy hands and noticed him stuttering a bit as they made small talk. So he reassured him that he had nothing to worry about and everything will be okay.

"We can leave if you want. I don't have to stay, usually I just stay for the pictures and come back if there's an after party."

"Are you sure we can do that?" Sebastian nodded,"Of course we can. We just watch the movie inside. We can always watch it later."

They went back to their hotel they were staying at for the premiere. "Did I ruin it? I-I felt like I did. Did you even want to leave? You didn't have to leave only 'cause I wanted to."

Sebastian reassured his worried boyfriend once more. Not that he minded. "No baby, you didn't ruin anything. I actually did want to leave, I don't really like watching myself on the screen anyways. If anything you made it a hundred times better just by you being there with me." With that, Chris finally calmed down. He took off his blazer and started taking off his tie, but Sebastian tugged it so he sat on the bed and made Chris hovered over him.

"Now I'm really gonna get a boner." The actor laughed as he interlocked their lips together. Chris was straddling him with his legs on either side of him, while Sebastian's frisky hands placed themselves on the younger males ass.

They rubbed against each other's boners as their kisses became more and more lustful. Soon, Sebastian flipped them and now he was the one who was straddling Chris.

Sebastian left a trail of wet kisses down his boyfriends neck and his bare chest
as he unbuttoned his shirt. "You are so handsome, my love." He complimented. "Speak for yourself."

Chris unbuttoned Sebastian's shirt as his hands were going everywhere on his chest. They were going to go further, but was sadly interrupted by room service.

"I forgot I ordered food." Chris spoke, getting up from the bed. "Babe, we were in the middle of something." Sebastian pouted. "Babe, this is food. It won't be here in the next 15 minutes cause we're gonna eat it all. You know what will be here in the next 15 minutes?" Chris smiled childishly and used his two thumbs to point to himself,"This guy." Sebastian couldn't help but shake his head with a smile at his adorable boyfriend.

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