5 A Dragon with Icy Breath, But A BAD MOUTH

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Mando walked in first, followed by Gringy and Panko. As Panko shut the door behind them, it was apparent based off his expression that he was quite scared.

"Ouch!" exclaimed Gringy. "I just stubbed my toe on a rock!" He hopped for a second on the other foot.

"Actually, I believe that was the back of my foot you hit," suggested Mando.

"Well will you get moving, you giant oaf! We've gotta pick up the pace or we're gonna get caught!" Gringy said in that kind of whisper-yell tone.

"Why isn't there any light in here?" Asked Panko. It was a fairly good question, I mean why wouldn't they have light in the tunnels? There's literally no possible way anything could see with no light. It doesn't make sense. The logic is nonexistent how could you possibly ever be able to see in conditions like that-

"Dragon eyes are stronger than those of other creatures, so I can actually see pretty well," said Mando.

Oh. Well whatever.

Mando lead them into a hallway that lead them to another hallway (this place is extensive man, I'm tellin ya!) that finally lead into a balcony that overlooked a great hall sort of place. Fortunately to the two characters who were not dragons, it was a little better lit.

A Large conference was being held in the hall, and it seemed at the head of the great table was Mando's older brother.

"Guys, that is my older brother, Vio!" said Mando

"His name is Vio? That's kinda a weird name man," Panko replied.

"OHHH I GET IT!!" Gringsnaket said, realizing the thing that he realized. "You're Mando Lin, like the instrument, and your brother's name is Vio like Violin. It makes sense now! Do you have any other relatives?"

"Yes actually, in fact my brother's full name is Tenorvio, which is a mouth full, so we just say Vio. I have other relatives including my cousin Barivio, or Barry, my uncle Altovio, or Al, or my mother Contrabassvio."

Towards the end it gets a little cheesy, I mean contrabassvio is a pretty big stretch. Anyway, Vio sat at the end of the table in the hall.

"All we have to do is sneak up behind him and take on of his scales without him noticing," Panko said.

"Well I think that's easier said than done, Panko," said the sorcerer. "We need a strategy."

Just then, for whatever reason, maybe the three heroes weighed too much or something, but the balcony overlooking the great hall collapsed and they all fell down below. After a few seconds of dust settling and confused whispers from the group of people meeting with Vio, the heroes emerged from the rubble.

"Champions of Lin mountain!" Exclaimed Gringsnaket. "Hear me and see my great power, know that I am a sorcerer and be afraid! Tremble before my greatness and only then will you be spared!"

Nothing happened.

"This is your last chance, or I will summon a fireball and destroy you all!"

Again, nothing happened. Gringsnaket worked as hard as he could, he concentrated greatly closing his eyes and becoming one with his power attempting to summon a ball of fire into his hands. To his surprise, it worked. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Vio stand and walk to him.

"Haha! You are doomed now! I shall eradicate your form of life, I shall exterminate your scum from existence, I shall-"

A missile of ice flew toward Gringsnaket, and hit his fireball, snuffing out the flame. He realized then where it came from.

Vio Lin looked intimidating, which was kind of not good because this was his annoyed expression. Just imagine how scary he'd be if you saw him when he was angry.

"Whachu doin b$tch? Yo ain't got no f*%#in powah." He turned around. "Aye, Al, take dese motha f*@%as to the stockade," Vio commanded.

Uncle Al stood up and walked over to the three characters and breathed on their hands, creating a moment of tension.

That was when Gringy looked up for I guess the first time and saw the massive chandelier hanging over the table. And suddenly he had a plan. It took ten second for him to summon a full fireball, so he'd have to buy himself some time.

"I say, halt, you worthless beast! Everyone in this cavern, look to your backs at the big wooden door. My personal army of mercenaries has been informed of my location and they are here to pillage your fortress!"

They're attention was drawn elsewhere, and Gringy had just about seven seconds to go. He began to stomp.

"Do you feel the thunder beneath your feet? That is representative of the force of my army! Submit to my will!"

Some of the dragons were turning around now, only four seconds!

Suddenly, Panko leapt up and bit Uncle Al's arm off.

"AAAGGHHHH WHAT!" He exclaimed with fury. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?"

Vio stood up on the table and lobbed a giant ice chunk at Panko, who narrowly dodged it by jumping to the side.

Gringsnaket, who was never a confident sorcerer, had now fully finished his first fireball. He threw it towards the chandelier, his plan was so close!

But then, another chunk of ice was sent upwards and clashed with his fireball, sending smaller bits of ice and fire everywhere.

"Ha! Take that yo b$tch &ss motha f#%@a. Now all yo f€*$as goin to da stockade and-"

A rattling from up above cut off Vio. Everyone looked up at the ceiling and saw what was happening. Evidently, the bits of fire and ice were just enough to shatter/melt it to where it wasn't supported by the rope and it began to fall down. Gringsnaket, Panko, and Mando all dove for cover. The others weren't so lucky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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