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They say when you stare into the abyss, it stares back at you. If that's the case then I and the neon blue numbers on my digital clock are having a staring contest. I think they're winning.

I sighed as I sat up rubbing my eyes, a distorted 3:00 AM appeared every time I blinked, the image slowly fading with each blink.

For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why I was up at such an ungodly hour. Not even a full 24 hours have passed of me being crowned the new Alpha and I'm already losing sleep over it.

I needed a walk or maybe a run, anything to get my mind off the growing stress. I got up and quickly changed into some loose sweatpants, then walked outside.

Enjoying the cool night air, I jogged over to the nearest forest. My senses had picked up three other pack members' scent.

Probably doing a late-night hunt, I thought as I stripped by a tree, closing my eyes. I could sense the presence of my wolf, but he was strangely distant.

My bones slowly cracked and popped out of place as the connection with my wolf grew, I felt millions of tiny pricks as hair sprouted everywhere.

Though a little more painful then usually, I successfully shifted and my wolf relished in the freedom

A quick stretch and then I was off at full speed, the trees meshing into a scenic blur as I ran deeper into the forest. I came to a sudden halt in the heart of the forest which was an open field with a vast network of streams, the unmistakable smell of blood was heavy in the air, whatever was bleeding couldn't have been more than a few feet away from me.

Curiously I followed the scent trail, just south of where I previously stood were three wolves. They were new recruits from what I could tell, they hadn't even been given permission to hunt yet and I could see why. One of them had got Injured and the other two were scared shitless.

I wonder who's idea it was to go hunting, I thought as I counted to lurk from a distance.

"Bro, we gotta get out of here. If we get caught we're done for." the ginger mind linked, as his eyes nervously shifted from the forest to his friends.

"I know! I know! But we've gotta clean Mia's wound, we can't go back smelling like blood." Spoke a pale blond wolf through mind link, as he stared at the raven-colored one's wound.

"I'm fine! Just help me to the stream, the wound should heal before we make it back to the packhouse." Who I could only assume to be Mia responded as she sighed. The two knuckleheads quickly helped their friend over to the stream.

'Should I make an appearance now or just punish them in the morning. I kind of want to see what they will do.' I contemplated while watching from a safe distance.

Kill them.

My mind went blank and for a second that sounded like a good idea before I quickly snapped back to reality.

No! The fuck is wrong with you Zain! I mentally snapped at my wolf for having such a thought.

That bitch had the nerve to just shrug. Can wolves even shrug?!

Kill Them. Kill Them. KILL THEM!. The more he spoke the less he sounded like Zain.

Zain for the love of luna— I mentally shouted at him.

Though I never got to finish that thought cause just like that he was gone, and I could feel my body forcefully shifting back.

It was utter hell, my bones cracked and popped over and over again until it finally resembled something close to normal. My hair became sharp as needles and left thin cuts as they slowly retracted into my skin. It took everything I had in me to not whale in pain, I took an unsteady breathe as the pain slowly faded.

"What in the world was that" I mumbled in a shaky voice as I made sure everything was intact.

"Bro what was that?!" The ginger shrieked as he looked around in a panic.

I quickly stepped behind the nearest biggest tree, not wanting to be caught. They pointed their nose to the air as their nostrils flared.

Go out there, go kill them.

'No, Zain. How many times do I have to tell you that!?' I thought before something hit me like a ton of bricks, Zain was gone, So who was talking?

Zeke, and I wasn't asking. I was telling you. You are going to kill them.

What the fuck is a Zeke? What did you do to Zain?!

I felt a burning sensation at the tip of my fingers, and in an instant, my nails grew to the size of claws and a vast network of black and red veins appeared on my body. My teeth grew to a razor point that would put my wolf canines to shame. My vision became red and suddenly I could hear the unthinkable, the pounding of the packs' heartbeat all the way back at base, the flow of blood through those teen pups only a few feet away. No werewolf should be able to hear this almost sickening sound, yet here I was, hearing it all too clearly.

What the hell are you doing Zeke, what even are you?!, billions of questions ran through my mind as I felt and saw my body shift into something...ungodly.

"What is it, guys?" Mia asked when she noticed their eyes widened in shock. For a split second, I saw their eyes shift in my direction

My attention was forcefully shifted to her very bloody wound, I could hear the blood escaping her body. It was a deafening, siren call and that's when everything became a blur. One second there were hushed whispers than the next was carnage and screams.

• • •

I shot up from my slumber, in a cold sweat, I tried to calm my heartbeat while mumbling, "It's just a dream," cause it had to be. I needed it to be.

Once I had calmed down I took in my surroundings, the clock on the nightstand read 4 am.

Just in time, I thought. I needed to start moving again.

I got out of the cheap motel bed, grabbed some clothes, a towel and headed to the bathroom.

I placed the fabricated materials over the railing on the wall then turned on the shower. Once it was scorching hot I stepped in and let the water run all down my body. I moaned in relief as the hot water left a heated sensation on my skin that relaxed my muscles.

20 minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling better than when I went in. With clean clothes on, I packed what little I brought, left the motel and made a beeline for the nearest store.



Zain; Italics; Species: Werewolf

Zeke; Bold;  Species: Unknown

Zaccai; Normal; Species: Human 

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