the meatin and taking

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3rd chav/narrator  pov

so the slags are like walkin u yknow queefing as they walk and see dat a$$ sqeesed in the slacks becase borris is a chubby bunny 

"omg omg omg omg dadddddy booooooooooris i cannny belive u is like well real and like stufff can i swap my child for a west life cd"

"yeah sure but im gonna like eat it after casue ya baby is like well hot  and tasty to eat yknow"

jojo throws the baby at  boris "there ya go dude"

boris says "TY uwu heres ya cd" *boris throws baby in his bag*

Boris say "welll hello hello hello ya fecking tosser ur a real fit bird " boris say to renbcfcha 

"uwuwuwuwu ty daddddy not to bad yaself yknow" 

"why dont ya come back to my shaggin  waggin and have alittle fun " boris grones to reeocjacha

"oki daddy lets go and have some giggles and have lots of toerz fun times" rewkchca moeaned 

thye rolled away together leaving jojo

"geuys wat aboout me "

tey dont here her

*jojo follows them in* 

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