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hello beautiful readers! 

i just wanted to make a quick little note before you start reading! 

one. this is a songfic

there will be songs that should be played during the chapter . i'm still not sure if i'm going to put the lyrics into the actual story but we will see. there will also be songs that helped me write the chapter, those don't have any specific part in the story 

two.  this is a reader insert 

this has a female reader, and is an xreader, you will be paired with todoroki, 

three. there will be some ocs

 just to make the story more interesting i included some ocs. not that it should be an issue but there will be three main ocs through out the story that play big parts in readers life and story

four. the pov will change from either first or third

most of it will be in third, but every now and then it will switch to first 

five. none of the gifs or pictures used are mine and all credit goes to the creator 

i can't draw for the life of me so the oc gifs are from google, just to give you an idea. also the gifs for each chapter are also from google just for aesthetic purposes 

six. my story won't follow the anime/manga exactly

i'm just using the basic idea and outline for this book from the anime but i like to add my own little things too 

and that's about all i have to say, the next part is an introduction to your character and my oc

A Song For You ~ todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now