The Conclusion

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Going back to work wasn't a easy feat. The thought of going back to the site of the incident make him sick to the stomach and he spent the better part of his morning feeling nauseated and throwing up. The incident had traumatized him more that he realized and he had to recruit his trusty old best friend to accompany him to the office.

The incident was reported and Yo had gotten a week off to de-stress and decide whether or not he wanted to continue with this company or finish the internship elsewhere. Yo's dad was furious and he got Park fired immediately. the fact that he won't see Park anymore had play a big role in deciding to continue at the company. The CEO personally reassured him that he doesn't have to worry about it. Even then the place still held the memory of the incident and Yo shuddered at the thought of it.

On entering the building it was evident that the news of the incident had spread over the last week and everyone looked at Yo with pity and/or concern in their eyes. Yo was immediately called into the conference room.

"Wayo, welcome back i'm glad you decided to stay on here." P'Ging greeted him with a smile.

"Thank you P' but why am I here?" Wayo looked around the room.

"Oh yes first this is your the new photographer you'll be working with her name is N'Nate" P'Ging introduced a frail looking girl that looked like she is roughly the same age as Yo.

"Don't be fooled N'Nate is 5 years your senior but her cute little face and frame makes her seem younger." P'Ging said reading Yo's mind.

"You flatter me P'Ging" Nate said coming over to Yo. She grabbed him in a rib crushing hug, "On behalf of the staff we apologize for what that awful Park did. I mean who would think to hurt such a precious little angel?" she said as she released Yo from her death grip.

"Okay okay let the kid breathe we have work to attend to." P'Ging as he tore Nate away from Yo.

"Right now Yo you can imagine the bind we are in since we fired Park. All his work has been transferred to me. Luckily you worked with him on the most important and most recent because I need your help with that right now." Yo sucked in his breathe knowing to which work Nate his referring.

"N'Phana is scheduled to arrive in half hour. Please take the time to catch me up on things and feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the meeting. I was told he took a liking to you so the meeting should go smoothly." She concluded.

The next 30 minutes was spent filling in Nate on what they worked on with P'Pha and what was the expected outcome. Yo showed her the company's copy of the photo shoot, he showed her Park's and his shots separately. He told her his was not apart of the project and they just sent it because P'Pha asked them to, although if he remembers correctly P'Park didn't specify what photos belonged to whom. They were so deep in the conversation they had realized that the time had passed. There was a knock on the door and P'Pha and two other guys entered, introductions were made.

"Hello N'Pha my name is Nate, due to an unfortunate event Park was asked to leave the company and I will be taking over his work. I apologize for any inconvenience." She smiled

Phana's eye never left Yo, "It's no inconvenience at all." He pointed to his left, "This is Kit my manager." then to his right "and this is Beam my publicist."  

Beam stepped in front with a big smile, his eyes dancing with mischievousness, "You must be N'Yo... I've heard quite a lot about you."

Yo looked from Phana to Beam and back he waied at them, "Hello P'Beam, P'Kit nice to meet you both."

"Nice to meet you too Nong, you are as cute as Pha said you were perhaps even cuter." Kit spoke for the first time.

Hehem Nate cleared her throat and dissolve the awkwardness that just formed. "Well lets begin, N'Pha have you chosen the pictures you like?" She asked

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