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Five Years Later

"Hurry up, we're going to be late!"

"We won't be late, everyone will just be early"

Yo fought the urge to smack his stupid boyfriend in the back of his head.

"Well if you let everyone be early and we are not there I will personally orchestrate your punishment" Yo attempted to threaten P'Pha

"Baby as long as it involves you and your hands on me I doubt it will be a punishment." P'Pha respond all googly-eyed

Yo leaned away to look up at him, making a face "bleh" he fake puked.

Both finished dressing at the speed of light and got to the venue in an impressive time. Yo gave himself a figurative pat on the back for his record time.

As soon as they walked in P'Pha was dragged away from him into hair and make-up. He was dragged in the opposite direction for the same reason.
Entering the dressing room Yo saw his custom made outfit hanging he was at aww at the details and was pleased with how it had turned out.

He was a photographer not a designer, so when P'Pha asked him to design them he was surprised but worried that he would mess up.

Again he was dragged and made to sit in a chair. As the people around him made a fuss over his hair and make-up he wondered what P'Pha was up to and if he felt like this everytime he had to do this.

On the other side of the venue

P'Pha was miserable.
He didn't even get a chance to wish Yo good luck. He knew he was nervous and he wanted to encourage him. Yo was never good with big crowds and lots of attention focusing on him, even after coming out with him publicly and having been on every known magazine cover he never quite got used to attention.

P'Pha sighed looking around for something.

"Looking for this?" Krist dangled his phone in front of him.

"Gimme" Phana made to grab it but Krist was faster.

"It makes no difference I just saw Ming and he said Yo was so busy he couldn't even scratch his ass if he wanted to" Krist laughed at Ming's choice of words

Phana slouched down in defeat. "I just want to know how he is doing"

"Way ahead of you bro" Krist pulled out his phone and handed it to Phana, his face lit up as he saw pictures of Yo looking no longer cute but devilishly alluring. He licked his lips in anticipation.

"Oii, save all that for after!" Krist grabbed his phone and made a disgusted face at Phana.

Later that day

"Phana it's time" a staff said as they led him out.

Phana wasn't a nervous person, he is a model he is used to crowds and attention but today he found his palms as become sweaty and his heart drumming against his chest. His breathing felt restricted and he felt the onset of a panic attack.

He looked up when he heard the song chosen by Yo for his wedding march; Write Your Name by Kenny Rogers

Their eyes met and instantly Phana felt all the nervousness and panic seeping away being replaced by warmth, love and an explosion of happiness. Any doubt that he might have had was just diffused by the sight of Yo walking towards him. When and how did he get this lucky? Never would he have thought of himself being where he is right now. He thought he was destined for a life a singularity.

As Yo approached him and they joined hands his whole body was covered with goosebumps at contact and he gently shook his mind to align with reality.

"Today we are brought here to witness the joining of two hearts" the marriage officiant started to say when Phana felt someone poked his arm he looked down to see the finger belonged to his Yo.

He leaned over to listen as Yo whispered, "You're sure you still wanna do this right?"

Phana couldn't help himself and he knew this was important to Yo but he chuckled a little.

Leaning in he whispered, "A little late to be unsure don't you think love?" and winked at his cute little soon to be husband.

"Couple has written their vows" they focused on the ceremony in time to hear.

Yo looked at P'Pha who gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"P'Pha I've always dreamed that I could meet you. But you always seemed out of my reach. When I did get the chance my dream had came through. When you showed interest in me I thought...this must be life setting me up so naturally I was hesitant. I refrained from reciprocating your feelings. But that hurt more than it helped. So I took a chance. Now here we are, no more dreaming. Instead I want to be the one you see when you close your eyes, I want to be the one that's there when they are open. I want to be the one that's there for you. To saturate you and live a long life loving each other" Yo ended eyes brimming with cried tears.

"Yo... my sweet Yo, words are never my thing. But you know right? That I loved you from the start, I love you now and will continue to love you. I want to fight your battles for you, I want to protect you and stand by your side as equals and whenever you're in doubt I will always reassure you that you are and always will be my only choice. You are the reason I can breath, you are the reason my heartbeats in short you're my lifeline and there is no me without you."
Those tears that was brimming has long began to flow and there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

"After that ladies and gentlemen there is nothing more to be said. You may kiss your husband"

P'Pha stepped closer and Yo on tippy toes closed the gap. Their first kiss as husband and husband. It held in it a promise of a happy ever after, a life full of laughter and everything that comes with a once upon a time.

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