Mermaid Tails Part 3

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Despite my desperate barrage of stupid jokes, Matt stays depressingly silent for most of the way upstairs. It isn't until we reach the third floor that he finally opens his eyes, takes a deep breath, and forces out a sentence.

"They hate me."

"No, they don't." They do, of course, but there's no way in hell i'm gonna admit it. 

"They're stressed, that's all. It's been a rough night. They'll—"

"Don't bullshit me, y/n. They want me gone, you want me gone. Lele. Eva. All of them. They hate me, they're out to get me, and I don't care anymore." He's a wreck. His voice, once calm and businesslike, is now a broken mess of sounds. It's like whatever killed Sierra killed Matt as well, and he's been replaced by a shitty knockoff from the Great Value section of the supermarket.

I still wants to fix him, to resurrect the Matt he used to be, but i've also got my own life to worry about. 

"Just focus on the challenge, okay? We got this."

Matt shakes his head. We arrive at the north corner, where a closed door and an empty mantle wait for them. I slide the tablet onto the mantle, and the door swings open to reveal...dolls. Lots and lots of dolls, piled up on two identical couches, staring at me and Matt like we're fresh meat.

"Oh fuck," moans Matt. 

"Dude...I don't like dolls."

Normally, I would find this ridiculous. Dolls? Pfft. Whatever. But these dolls creep me out—some are disfigured, some have burnt faces, a few of them are covered in what looks suspiciously like blood, and one in particular looks like a goddamn ghoul. Tim doesn't know what he was expecting, but this sure as hell ain't it. Also, there are two dollhouses set up in the middle of the room, each with a book next to it, and there's a table smack dab in between said dollhouses. On the table are two glasses of wine, an hourglass, and a note.

Both of you take a drink if you want to know more.

"What?" I've been to the club. You're not supposed to take a drink unless you saw the bartender make it. Someone could've slipped something in there. Whatever. It's not like i have a choice. Besides, at least it's free alcohol. We each grab a glass. I sniff mine, then immediately regret my decision. 

"Ugh." I frown.

 "What is it?"

"Is it blood?" I shrug, Matt cringes, then clinks his glass against mine. 


"Let's do this." i say. We hook arms, as if to protect each other from whatever might be in there, and drink. I down mine in one go (it's way too bitter for my liking), but Matt only manages to empty a quarter of his glass.

"All the way, bro." i say, letting his arm go, he looks at me. 

"No—" Matt coughs. "It's just—"

"All the way!"

"It says take a drink! I took a drink!" I shrugged. 

"Okay, fine." The words are barely out of my mouth before another note appears from under the door. 

"Oh! A note!" i say reaching to grab it, but Mat beats me to it.

"I wanna read it," says Matt.

"You just drank poison." I just nod my head, my lips going in a straight thin line. Great. I slam my hand against the table, unable to keep the frustration out of his voice. 

"Are you serious?" I knew it, I freakin' knew it, there was something up with that drink, but no, I was a dumbass, and I drank it, and now I'm poisoned. I'm going to die. We're both going to die. 

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