All Out War Part 3

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same pov

"Colin, can I borrow one of your guns?" I ask.

Colin ignores me. Rude. Lol. 

"Okay. I guess not." I wince. We follow Colin through the woods, and we don't stop until we're standing outside a small white building. Eva's regained her composure, but there's still a hint of anxiety in her voice. 

"I feel like something is about to go down," she announces to no one in particular. Joey bites his lip.

 "There's...there's the lab."

"We have to get in there," Eva gasps.

"All right." Colin forces his rifle into my hands. 

"Take this." Sick. Colin's gun. Colin's actual real life World War gun. This thing's probably worth a ton in 2016...and Colin, somehow, trusts me enough to let me have a crack at it. Maybe ol' Ghosty Studmuffin isn't so bad after all. Okay. Okay. 

"Ready?" Colin asks. Lele nods. Oli shakes his head, but no one seems to notice except me. Colin ignores them both and grabs a shovel. 

"This is the old Army key," he remarks offhandedly before using the shovel to pry open the door. 

"All right. There it is. Let's go." Joey enters the lab. Oli's a little hesitant, but another "let's go" from Colin is all it takes for him to follow Joey inside. But then, before Colin or anyone else can join Joey and Oli in the lab, the door slams shut in front of us. 

Colin grabs his "Army key" and tries to reopen the door. No luck. 

"Go around," he orders. 

"Look for another way inside." Someone's screaming.



"Keep your eyes peeled," Colin warns them as they walk. 

"There's things hiding in the bushes." Lele nods. I tighten my grip on the gun. Our group's quest to rescue Joey and Oli has somehow devolved into a game of Hunting.

"Oh gosh, shoot them, shoot them, shoot!" screams Eva, her bad-ass girl calm all but gone by now. Me and Colin obey, and one by one, the attacking soldiers fall like zombies.

In an event of fight or flight, killing should come naturally right?

No, it doesn't.

I don't like this.

But I have to do it anyway, i'm regretting asking for the gun. I fire bullet after bullet, picking the soldiers off like sitting ducks, all the while wondering how on earth he's gonna explain this to david when I get home.

One of the soldiers (who somehow survived the barrage of bullets from Colin and I) pulls himself to his feet and lunges for Eva. She runs, her shouts, echoing through the air, and Colin immediately leaps to her defense. The enemy falls. But Colin isn't done yet. Suddenly, he's on top of the man's bloody corpse, using his hatchet to beat the shit out of him. There's a maniacal side to him.

"He's bludgeoning him!" There's a heavy dose of shock in Eva's voice.

 "Oh god, he is dead, you don't need to do that, oh God." her voice shakes. Christ. But...damn. Colin. He's a good soldier. 

"Grab it!" I can hear Eva's voice, shouting at them inside. 

"Grab it before he comes back! Grab it!" she's jumping up and down.

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