Betrayal At The House On The Hill Part 2

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I wake up on the bed, and immediately remember what's happening, I look down, to see everything still intact, I shift, I don't feel different. So I hope I wasn't violated by Arthur, god I thought he was good. Why help us, this isn't fair. I looks around maybe there is something. To help me break out of this room.

I see the old murder journal on the desk and I grab it and open it, I scan the names and one stands out to me.

Arthur Fletcher

What? Arthur, how did I not notice this Before, oh shit.

Sarah Hayes
Marvin Jones

Ok is anyone alive in this fucking house?  Ok so they're dead and I'm the murder journal, who wrote them there? Who-

The door opens and I throw the journal up into the air, but Arthur sees, he looks pissed, he runs up to me throws me on the bed, I struggle.

"Stop fighting!" He yells. 

"No, I won't ever stop fighting you until I take my last breathe, no, god, Arthur please. Stop!" But he doesn't he keeps pinning me down and then slaps me so hard across the face I lose my senses for a second. When I realize what's happening I'm already tied to the bed, my arms are not my legs. He's leaning against the door.

"Tsk, tsk, sweetheart, don't fight it, why are you fighting me?"  He sits next to me, grabbing my chin gently. I squirm.

"Because, you are evil." I spit out, he frowns deeply.

"Didn't you say, you liked this era, or that you wish you could take me to 2016 with you?" He looks at me eyes full of hope. I spit in his face. He's pissed.

"You're gonna regret that." He says his hand dangerously low on my stomach. I squirm again as he puts his hand up my dress. I kick my legs out, and scream as loud as I can. I don't wanna be violated.

No fuck this.

I scream as loud as I can and one scream is cut off by Arthur kissing me, I'm a throw up, that's it. He kisses me harder and gets on top of me, I yank and yank at the restraints and I hear footsteps outside, without warning I scream loudly as I start crying,

"Help, help me!! Fuck, hello? Help me! Oli! Joey! Eva!" Arthur slaps me, and puts a vial up to my lips which I keep shut.

"Drink this and you'll stay with me forever." He says, then the door busts open and there stands, Oli with a safety pin, from his clothes, oh thank god.

He runs up to Arthur and pushes him on the ground, and keeps beating him up until he grabs the key from Arthur and unlocks me, we run out. We hide behind the stairs. There's this hiding place. We run out to the grassy area, where we played that match against that freak guardian.

Oli looks at me, and I'm tearing up looking at him, he hugs me.

"Hey, hey, it'll be ok."

"Thank you oli, god thank you so much."

"No problem, I'd do it any day." He decides to catch me up on everything I've missed.

So, apparently, Arthur has a brother. The brother's locked up in the house somewhere, and he's been betrayed, and he wants to kill Arthur, and I have no idea what is happening anymore.

"Beneath the surface of a reflecting pool," he mutters more to himself. My eyes light up at his next sentence.

"We have to go to the pool."

"Okay, How do we get out of here?" I ask.

Oli doesn't know, but at least we've got the file to help them out. My smile, god That smile I had disappears as soon as we get outside, because holy shit there are sirens going off and why the flipping hell are there sirens in this house?!? And oh God, there's Arthur, with Sarah and Marvin, standing together on the balcony.


Just as the we wriggle into their hiding places, I hear Arthur's angry snarl.

"I don't know how they got out! I was having my fun, when he took her." Arthur angrily says, I shudder at the memory.

"Oh, I don't know," Sarah snaps.

"Maybe if you hadn't left them with boxes—"

"Enough! Sarah, you take the house. Marvin, you check the side. If you find them, gut them where they stand!" The butler looks his compatriots dead in the eye.

"This game is over." He says with a deadly tone.

"Aw, come on, Arthur," Marvin pouts.

"The girl's too hot to die. Can't I have some fun with her first?" He's speaking of Eva. Oli's hands clench into fists.

Arthur rolls his eyes. "Yeah sure Fine. I got mine, Whatever. Do what you want. Just make sure they—"

"They will die," Sarah assures him, a knife clinched in her right hand, a steely look in her pitch-black eyes.

"I promise you. " she says biting her lip. And with that, the staff begins their search. We're being hunted. The thought slices its way through Oli and I's mind as we sneak their way towards the pool. Arthur and the others...they're after us, and if they find us, they're gonna kill us. Or worse. We can't let that happen.
We see Joey and Eva, Joey notices me first and runs up to me, hugging me so tight.

"Oh god, I thought you died." He cried holding me again, I smiled.

"I'm not." Eva hugs me too, but we don't have time for reunions we gotta go.

"He's coming," Joey hisses, gesturing at Marvin's approaching figure.

"Oli, this way. This way. Y/n! Eva! This way! Come on!"

I hate being chased. It's one of my worst fears. I'm not a fan of tag, hide-and-seek, or anything similar, so to be placed in a situation where my life depends on what is essentially a giant game of hide-and-seek...this is terrifying.

As soon as Marvin's out of sight, the four survivors sprint for the pool. They get there without incident, but a quick once-over of the area reveals no gems.

"Dangit," sighs Joey.

"But it says..." Oli reexamines the note, squinting at its messy print.

"It says it's beneath the surface of a reflecting pool...what are we missing?"

"Maybe the fountain?" Eva suggests.

Joey shrugs. "Sure. Let's try it. This way."

Then, they spot Arthur, and Oli rushes to catch up with Joey while still trying to stay out of sight. You can do this, I tell myself. Everything's gonna be fine. Just stick with Oli, Joey and Eva and you'll be—


Where's Eva?

Joey's next to Oli, whispering "Come this way!" but Eva appears to have vanished into thin air. And to make matters worse, both Arthur and Marvin have shown up to investigate, so wherever she is, she's in twice the amount of danger.

Eva. Hide. Don't let them find you, please, oh God, don't let them...

"Where's Eva?" Joey demands to know, pushing Oli into the house as he calls her name.

"Eva!" If they find her...

The more heroic part of me wants to run back out there and save her, but the more pragmatic part of me realizes the stupidity of that idea. Eva wouldn't want us to put ourselves in danger for her sake, especially when there are murderous butlers running about. No, it's better for me to hide and trust in Eva's ability to think her way out of any situation.

She'll be all right. Won't she?

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