{Will Byers X Male!Reader} I Got You

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A/N: requested by Lolidc1246 ! uh so i'm not creative so the reader has the same power as El... sorry! i could not think of anything else. anyway, i hope you guys enjoy!! :))

warnings: fighting, blood/injuries

1009 words (i got a little carried away... don't i always though?😂)

"Get away from the windows!" you heard Nancy yell. You all stepped back and into the center of the room, backs to each other. You reached out and gripped Will's hand. He looked over at you, fear evident in his eyes, but he smiled weakly at you.

The whole house shook as the monster came closer, each stomp causing the cabin to shake and more things to fall off shelves. You jumped when a mug fell and shattered. Will squeezed your hand, rubbing his thumb against it.

There was silence, causing all of you to furrow your brows in confusion. "Where'd it go?" Max asked. As if on cue, a long tentacle busted through the wall of the cabin. You all screamed, jumping back away from it. Will pushed you behind him out of instinct, trying to protect you anyway he could. The tentacle had claws on the end of it, reaching out for El.

Jonathan yelled as he brought an axe up over his head, and down onto the tentacle. It shrieked out in pain as Jonathan hit it again with the axe. Blood splattered as he did this. He lifted the axe up to hit it again, but it whacked him out of the way. He flew into the opposite wall, sliding down and hitting the floor with a thud. The axe fell a few feet away from Jonathan, out of his reach.

The tentacle started to make its way toward Jonathan. Before it could get too close, the sound of a shotgun blast made you jump. You turned and saw Nancy holding a shotgun. She shot it four times before she ran out of ammo. "Shit..." she muttered, stepping back as it came closer and closer. She pressed herself up against the wall behind her, staring the thing down.

It stopped suddenly a few inches away from Nancy's face. You turned, seeing El standing up with her arm outstretched. The tentacle writhed and shrieked in pain as El pulled it further away from Nancy. You watched as she jerked her arm down, causing the end of the tentacle to rip off. It fell to the floor with a thud, before skittering away quickly.

"Holy shit" you heard Max say, before another tentacle busted through the wall. She screamed as she ducked. El put her right arm up, stopping it before it got to her. It strained against her powers, trying to get to her. A second later, another one came through the wall. She lifted her left arm, stopping that one as well. They shrieked in pain as you saw El concentrating, before jerking her arms down again. The ends of the tentacles ripped off, just like the other one had. Blood splattered everywhere as the tentacles pulled out of the house with a shriek.

There was a second of silence before a loud roar was heard. Before anyone could react, a tentacle smashed through the top of the house. There was loud screeching as it quickly reached down and grabbed El's ankle, starting to pull her up and out of the house. She screamed as Mike ran over, grabbing her arms.

The rest of you ran to help, gripping onto El's arms. "Nancy, shoot it!" you heard Jonathan yell as you looked up through the hole in the ceiling. Your eyes widened in fear. The thing was giant. There were almost no words to describe how absolutely disgusting and terrifying it was. It's mouth was open, the tentacle holding onto El was coming out of its mouth. It had rows and rows of sharp teeth.

A second went by before you heard the shots from the shotgun. You watched the monster flinch slightly with each shot, but just as quickly as last time, Nancy ran out of ammo. "Lucas!" you yelled, pushing him into your spot as you stepped off to the side. Nancy shot it a few more times as you put your arm out in front of you. You focused on the tentacle, concentrating. You jerked your arm down, ripping it in half.

Everyone fell to the ground as the monster roared in pain, the tentacle going back into the creatures mouth. "El, El, are you okay?" you looked over at them. El nodded. Mike sat up, gripping the head of the tentacle that was still attached to El's leg. He ripped it off quick, causing El to scream in pain. It hit the ground hard with a loud thud before skittering away like the others had.

The creature snarled and roared, looking at all of you through the hole in the roof. You turned and saw El push herself off the floor. She limped closer, practically falling onto you. You held her up with your arm around her waist. "Ready?" she nodded.

You both put your hands up, yelling loudly as you concentrated on ripping the monster in half. It's head slowly ripped in half as you both moved your hands. It roared and shrieked in pain. El fell limp in your arms. You used all the strength you had left to keep her up before Mike took her from you. You fell to the floor, exhausted.

"Y/N!" Will yelled, though his voice sounded distant. "W-Will?" you mumbled. "Come on we gotta go. Come on" he threw your arm over his shoulders before helping you up. "Come on, Come on, go!" you heard Jonathan yell as Will helped you walk to the car.

You all jumped in as Nancy started the car. "Drive!" you heard Mike yell from behind you. You felt the car jerk forward as Nancy floored the gas pedal. "Y/N? Are you okay?" you blinked your eyes slowly, looking over at Will. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just tired..." you could see his panicked gaze as you slowly closed your eyes. "No! Y/N stay awake, please" you forced your eyes open, not wanting to leave Will alone. "I'm awake" he interlaced your fingers together. "We can do this" he whispered before kissing your hand. "I got you"

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