Where It All Started

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Like everyday in Hell it seemed like it never could get boring always someone different to to torture, nowa days we see people on Earth that we can't wait to torture.
But something new has happeded...
Lucifer Morningstar the Devil has met someone just as evil as him! who knew. Her name is Scarlett she doesnt have a last name... or a family. She is the Queen of the Vampires. They met in a club on Earth in Chicago in the 1920's she had been feeding on the human that Lucifer was taking to Hell.  They bonded and soon decided that they want to be together for eternity, which would happen as they are immortal. They both togther run Hell and the vampire kingdom, but there was no competition between who ruled it better, but they always had their little jokes and tiffs about it. 
Most of their dates end up being her feeding on people and him sending them to Hell, 1945 was one of the best dates they have ever had, they tell stories of the so called suicide of Adolf Hitler, lets just say Scarlett found him better being drained rather then living, she hated what he was doing and had done so she dragged him to Hell with him screaming. He was going to get what he deserved.
It is now 2004 and the world different there isn't as many wars nor any gangs only the boys that think that their hard doing drugs and getting drunk, not like the old gangs the cliche ones from the movie The Godfather. The world was changing and so was Scarlett and Lucifer, Scarlett is pregnant, she didn't think she could get pregnant due to being a vampire but apparently that doesn't matter due to the fact that the father is the first son of God but you know who knew! She is nervous just like any first time mum would be but Lucifer is pretty confident, or so it seems. His followers are happy with the Antichrist coming to the underworld but a fair few; they're not happy about it, the princes are sure that this infant is going to turn Lucifer soft like when he had met Scarlett for the first time. She had a few weeks left and it seemed like she hadn't stopped eating, feeding on at least 40 humans a day but thankfully all from different areas so none of her other vampire friends are going to get caught. She has also been craving burnt chocolate and raw steak, shes not used to having cravngs for proper food just the odd A+ blood.
Getting closer and closer to the day of the birth was agonisingly slow Scarlett was just eating because she was bored there was no telling how long she had left until one day soon she had the splash and the pains of contractions, now the pain didn't faze her it was like she was having a numbed tooth taken out like she did when she was human but at the moment nothing really bothered her. She pushed a few times and a baby with strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes came out. She was beautiful no one could fault it, but this baby lead to jealousy from the demons and they had had enough of the way she now had all the attention and they decided that she had to go. So the plan went ahead and worked out as good as they hoped...

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